
Monday 10 March 2014


This mandala is for a lady that is a wonderful Shiatsu practitioner. I knew it was essential to have a treatment for my body. I knew I was on my last legs, and had to receive some bodywork, and body nurturing. So it was a gift for the self, to receive from a talented and skillful healer. When she was working on my back, my vertebrae was very sore and tender. It was a lengthy treatment, of at least 1.5 hours and worth every penny.

She is simply amazing, I could feel absolutely everything that was going on in my body, and getting my body to move can certainly be felt due to what is going on with the joints and muscles. As I have already shared with people that read this blog, my body has shrunk 2 inches and it essential that I do as much stretching as I can.

With this left foot, 'tendon injury', walking is not the answer to resolve the 'injury'. Due to the fact that walking can add to back issues, due to the foot. A 'tendon injury' such as this, can impact on your whole body. If you walk on it, it can take your body out of alignment, that then impacts on posture, and the condition of the back and in so doing. Hence, solving the 'tendon injury' is essential.

The Shiatsu treatment was working a lot on my kidney meridian and bladder meridian, and leg muscles could certainly feel it. There was a lot to the bodywork, so I have just shared a little with you.


I spread the paint of this mandala last night, for the lady that did the treatment. There is powerful fire energy with her, and lots of golden energy around her. There is strong orange Buddha energy with her, although the Christos energy keeps her in her placement for divine purpose. The numeric of four and five is strong with this lady and the sacred blue ring of the holy mother healer, embraces her wherever she goes. Her passion for her healing work simply pours out of her, it is so natural for her to be the healer that she was born to be.

I also see some feathers in the painting, and that is natural with a healer. This woman is an artist, and like Tiny, I feel that she has worked in a theatre in a past life. Creativity is strong with this lady, and so is the energy of the dancer, in this case, the ballerina like swan lake. I know that she likes yoga. However, I see her dancing through her life times, in a beautiful way. I am being given the name "Lightfoot" as I write this. 

So much passion, so much compassion, so much fire energy, so much love to give. A lady that likes to sit by the fire, and feel the warmth of its glow. There are different aspects to this woman, that people don't often see, due to the sheer passion for life that she has. A fire energy that loves her family beyond measure, and cares deeply for those that she loves. Her passion for the fire, and to see the fire, could also be due to a past life as 'Lightfoot', it looks like she has had a past life in Peru as well.


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