
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Blind, Lame, Outcasts Prophecy

Prophet Zephaniah delivered a prophecy from the LORD, of how 'shame of the lame' would be turned into praise and renown in all of the earth. How the 'outcasts' would be gathered together. Zeph 3:19-20

It was in December 2010, when the LORD first spoke of the 'Outcasts' and the outcasts are connected to daughter Zion in the biblical prophecies. ZIYYON sent on a mission to the USA, and returned the wiser for it in Micah 4 and the threshing continued afterwards. As the prophecy predicted.

I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. Job 29:15 Did you work with the blind? Did you take the lame to hospital? Did you accompany the lame on a holiday, so that the body could receive the heat of the sun? Did you help the lame so that they had someone to lean on? Did you get shopping for the lame when you were physically fit to do so? 

Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. Isaiah 35:6 Is it a coincidence that I took the woman on holiday to Egypt? A cruise down the nile, because it was a dream of hers to go to Egypt. 

Did you help others to manifest their dreams? Did you put others before yourselves? How many of you, were, and are magnanimous love, and have done all of these things? How many of you did the will of the heavenly Father? 

See, I will bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the ends of the earth. Among them will be the blind and the lame, expectant mothers and women in labor; a great throng will return. Jeremiah 31:8 

Did you work with, and help expectant mothers? How about the blind, the lame and the outcasts?  Did you fulfill prophecies in your daily life? Did you give them healing, and teach them how to become healers of themselves, their pets and others? 

“In that day,” declares the LORD, “I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief." Micah 4:6 "I will make the lame my remnant, those driven away a strong nation. 

The LORD will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever." Micah 4:7 It is no coincidence that ELI ZIYYON has an 'injury in her left foot', and it is impacting on my back. 

It is quite a journey to get the appropriate help that is required for the feet. 

Did you give healing to the feet? Did you hold their feet tenderly? Did you stroke their feet, kiss their feet, massage and put aromatherapy oils on their feet? Did you give them reflexology? Did you love them with all of your heart? Did you do all these things for others in magnanimous love? 

However, I can also see that it has a divine purpose for being, for in this phase of the divine plan, and timeline, it is about me comprehending this physical health condition, so that I am able to help others with it. The people asked for justice, and the justice seat arrived. Now honor it, and do the will of the heavenly Father, in magnanimous love. 

When I came onto the computer today, the clock said, 13:13 and 13+ 13 = 26. 26 is the gematria value of the name of God, YWVH. It is also the date of my birth, 13th in the 2nd month, 13 x 2 = 26.

The Harp of Faithfulness, is the Harp of Righteousness that was predicted to come in the last days of the end times. King David also predicted that, it would be the combination of the Lute and the Harp that would have a resounding impact on the lyre. Psalm 92. 

Yer USHA laim 

USHA, the truth of the divine court of the LORD. 

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