
Wednesday 5 March 2014

RIP Mark Wood

Man diagnosed with Asperger's when he 20 years old, has starved to death due to Atos fitness-for-work assessment. Mark Wood was 44 years old when he died. [1]

His doctor told the inquest that the Atos decision was an 'accelerating factor in Wood's decline and eventual death, according to his family'.

What can I say, as the heavenly Father said, 'The politicians are the bane of your life'.

The legal team representing the family of Mark Wood, should now sue the Atos contractor, and the Department for Work and Pensions, David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith for 'Criminal and Corporate Negligence'. They're also involved in what is known legally as 'Procurement of Suicide' and 'Corporate Manslaughter'.

Apologies for the passing of Mark Wood, simply do not go far enough. A lot more as to be done, by the legal teams, and human rights lawyers. To stop more of the same happening, to more people with Asperger's and other serious health conditions.

How deeply cases of this nature touch my heart is beyond words.  Yet, I am beyond weeping for this nation. This empath ceases to eat.

'The earth shall conceal its slain no longer'. Isaiah 26:21 'This generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world'. Luke 11:50

May Mark Wood rest in peace, and may his family have the strength to seek real justice for Mark, and people like him.


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