
Wednesday 5 March 2014


News is that another 'asteroid is hurtling past Earth at 9pm and will be closer than the moon'.

9 is the numeric of completion and divine love.

DX is interesting if you bear in mind that I posted the prophecy Psalm 18 yesterday. 1+8 = 9.

Checked SO and there is no mention of the asteroid, although the Independent have featured it.

Significance of the date? 5th March, is the 'Day of Heaven and Hell'.

Interesting that yesterday I was sharing about how he did build his spiritual community upon the rock of Peter, and the 'gates of hades will not prevail against it'. Matthew 16:18. He wasn't speaking about the Vatican in Rome. For what does Rome have to do with a true 'Renaissance' of being born again? 

As Jesus said, you have to become like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. So the 5th of March, is a day when you can see in which reality people live. Do you live in a heavenly state of being? Which heaven are you in? Did you do your inner child healing work? Did you find your happiness within? 

Psalm 110 is a great one, and it speaks of a prophecy of how the LORD would 'extend the mighty sceptre from Zion'. 'Arrayed in holy splendor your young men will come to you, like dew from the morning's womb'. 

'The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind, 'You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek'. 

For sure, our spiritual community in England, was blessed in more ways than one. A truly awesome healing community. Peter did come, and so did the wondrous woman from heaven.


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