
Sunday 23 March 2014


I do like happy endings and good news. There is a story today of 'Puppy Love', as a lovely couple marry after their guide dogs 'fell in love'. The names of the dogs are 'Venice', and 'Rodd' and the guide dogs 'fell in love' at a training camp in 2012. It was described as a 'class love story', 'playing and nuzzling together'. 'Meant to be'. Now all four are 'best friends and soul mates'. So sweet!

I have a strong connection with puppies. In the Rev 12 timeline an American woman called a friend and I puppies, due to us agreeing with each other.


That then inspired me to write the 'Puppy Philosophy', and it is about communication, and what communication means, where it comes from, and how to improve it, via healing the self. That is after I had received the divine teachings about communication and communicating from the heart. For communication is an art, and if puppy's can communicate their love in such a splendid way, humanity can do it too.

Always remember this, the guide dogs get to go to the Christos wedding!

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