
Monday 24 March 2014


The Jesuit Pope that chose the name Francis, St Francis being an environmentalist, ecologist and animal lover. Has repeatedly refused Russell Crowe an audience and to view the Noah film.

I must admit it does remind me of the biblical text and what Jesus said. Mark 13:35. There you have the numeric of 48, the age that I was when I was summoned. It also gives you numeric of 13, the date of my birth, and as we know Rev 13, predicting that wisdom would come to do the count.

Luke 22:61 also mentions the rooster crows. 22 the numeric of the divine feminine, 6+1 = 7. The numeric of the Zayin.

Hence it is significant that Russell Crowe was asking for an audience for the film Noah. Truly, it is a major sign to the Vatican, first the black bird 'attacked' the white doves released from the Vatican, now the Vatican refuses a man with the name of Crowe.

In the book of John, Jesus answered, "Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, a rooster will not crow until you deny me three times'. John 13:38

So shall there be another sign for St Peter's Square? How many signs will the Vatican receive, prior to it accepting that they all must resign, at their earliest convenience?


  1. Bob Crow funeral in London, well-known trade union leader apparently passed over on the 11th March, 2014, due to a suspected heart attack.

  2. Hmmm... Very interesting Eli. I think there is to be a calamity, in the region of the Vatican. I also would likd to not the lightning strike that occured right after Benedict announced his departure.


    A massive earthquake? I think

    This pope could very well go out being a martyre. Once he has sworn to protect the followers of the church, snap!

    It don't look good, but it was predicted to happen, this continued path to godlessness. As society suffers an exponential blood letting of the succubi, God will become obsolete in the minds of the broken. Those who stand firm in belief will be exacuted.

    The Christians are in for some very dark days. As Islam, now looking at Egypt, has watched hundreds of the Muslim brotherhood sentences to death.

    I hurts to see such anominable hatred between religions that are closer connected than either stance can see. :(

  3. Proverbs 4 Newdawnrising, proverbs 4.

  4. Yes, wisdom. It can come with humbleing effects. However anything of interest always comes at ones expence, but the rewards of understanding are limitless! :)

  5. How's it going with you? I am resting as much as possible. A time to be 'Still Point'.
