
Monday 24 March 2014


I've called this painting the Noah painting for a number of reasons. Firstly, when I was scanning it, the Noah movie front page had appeared on my desktop open. The film launches here in the UK on April 4. Secondly, the film is already attracting some controversy, due to the Pope refusing an audience with Russell Crowe, or to even view the film. Thirdly, due what is happening environmentally, and planetary wise. 

I do see a 'green dragon' in the painting, and a lot of activity in this timeline. Especially with the liberals, socialists, communists countries. I see conflict between Russia and China, and with America over world events, agreements between nations, will not come easy, as we come to the close of the astrological year in April. I see power in the painting, and it does feel like its all about power at this point in time. Especially to do with energy, and what people do with their own energy, as well as the natural resources of the planet and their nations. 

Its also that time of year when the quarterly bills come rolling in, and that will also cause conflict for many people due to the high cost of living that is continually rising. The painting feels very intense, with very strong energies involved. So its a good time to spend some time in nature, away from worldly affairs and events, due to the intensification, that can impact upon you by absorbing you in to it.

Seeing the green like in the painting also reminds me of what Jesus showed me the other morning.

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