
Monday 24 March 2014


When I laid down my head to rest, I could see the golden energy pillow, when I woke up from my rest today, I was so warm and snug in my furry cover, just like a child feels when they are sleeping and waking up. It feels like you are sleeping in the warmth of the love that is so comforting.

Rest is so important for little children, and also for ourselves. As Jesus said you have to be like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven. The heavenly warmth of love that enfolds you in it, like a soft furry blanket. I pondered on the warmth of the peace and serenity, and how in that state of being there is no question of hope, or what one is hoping for. I have always said due to life experience, that hope is the light, and that we have to keep the light of hope burning. For if the light of hope goes out, so does the life on the planet.

Today it was brought to me, to ponder upon when does hope begin for a child? When a child is so reliant on others to provide for its essentials. Just like the healers of Jesus, were reliant on finding a person that was worthy of the healers, to provide the essentials and healing to the community.

Many people are experiencing the reality of having all of their hope stripped away, and that can often happen in life. I do feel sad when help of the healing angels is offered to others, yet, they would rather go their own way, with situations that could end their lives.

On the spiritual journey it is much easier to comprehend, to embrace, because of all your hope is divine and in God. With a person such as myself, God is your light, your love, and your life, and on the LORD your hope rests. Just like when a child rests in the arms of love and that in itself is a powerful healer of the cells.

We know for a fact that souls bring the light of hope with them when a new life is recreated, hopeful memories from past lives, hopeful dreams for a future fulfillment. Hence, hope is usually born into the person. What a person is hoping for, can also be determined by their North Node in their astrological chart, for that gives people a very good indication of what their soul journey is all about and the memories that they brought them.

Hence, when and if a soul is not fulfilling its hope during its incarnation, then the soul can co-create and attract that which is essential to help the human self, to align its will with divine will.

Hope is a tough one in today's society, when so many of us that know the truth. We've seen and experienced so much. How the medical profession experimented on our families, even up to the point of death. There is much more that I could write about that. However, it has already been written prior to this. How can we have hope in such a reality?  Now they're asking for more blood tests, the same ones that were done a year ago. More experiments on my body. I have no hope in the NHS medical profession as it exists today. Even though, I spent most of my life paying for it in taxes. I've asked to see the foot specialist due to a tendon injury, and for an MRI scan that I feel is essential. Not only essential but it is part of NHS guidelines to GP's, for anyone that has experienced a long term back issue.

So what can I do?

I can phone the BUPA hospital and ask them for a budget, then try to raise the money to pay for the treatment that I require, and hope that the LORD will bless it. For my hope is in the LORD. If that is what the LORD wills for me to do, then so be it. I do remember that he did ask me to find a donor.

I can see the positive side of the health journey, and how the biblical prophecy indicates what the LORD plans to do. If I am to be his vessel to fulfill his will to help the lame, then so be it. I will do what I can to the best of my ability.

Proverbs 19 speaks of the poor whose walk is blameless and the 144,000 mentioned in Rev 14 are also blameless. So why are they blameless do you know? 

'The one that gets wisdom loves life: the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper".

A Dutch friend and I once did a wonderful video together called, 'GIVE THEM HOPE'. 

I will see if I can retrieve it. Youtube say that the channel of Oannes as ceased to exist. However, the origination of the video is still on the academysounds youtube, and it can still be seen on DTV.

So what is to eat today?

A smoked salmon wrap. I have some smoked salmon pieces rich in fish oil to eat up, I added some fresh celery, baby leaves, a little olive oil, some capers, and a little mayonaise. In the UK, you get some fresh smoked salmon pieces from Scotland, for just one pound and 50 pence.

I am also cooking a potato, leak and celery soup, (good for the adrenals) with the remainder of the mussel coconut sauce as the stock. I've added some more water to the top of the pan, and it will make a lovely heartwarming broth. I might have to add some honey just to sweeten it a little, and it will be delightful sprinkled with cheese and fresh dill.

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