
Thursday 13 March 2014


I will do my best to put this in chronological date order.

19th September 2013, Visions given on the four directions. To the east of me a bow with an arrow and what it shot turned into a parachute and I wrote about a rescue operation.

2nd February, 2014. Post called, 'Light A Candle', and it features the song, 'I cried for you'. The Church, nuclear reactors, and Australia. In the post the following words were written from the song.

'For many years they may forget. This love of ours or that we met. They may not know how much you meant to me'.  'I cried for you, when the sky cried for you'.

13th February, 2014. I posted the 'Oceanic Painting' and described a 'war of kings', 'war in the ocean'. Looking at it now I can see Australia in the painting.

16th February 2014, message received. 'Mashon', and I shared that the word can be found in Buddhism. In the blog post, I shared the Prophet Isaiah prophecies the the LORD would bring the children from the East. [1] The painting on that post was a Quan Yin painting, divine mother of the East, Bodhisattva of compassion and mercy.

17th February, 2014, at 10.51 PM. I wrote on a forum, 'This empath has been flowing with tears for most of the day, something major is about to happen. A big event'. Wrote the same on this CERES, blog post.

24th February, 'Black Box - Ride On Time' post due to receipt of a vision of a computer screen and only two lights flickering, after the screen went black. The post mentions the USA and technology. On the same day there was the 'Fire of Love' message.

26th February, 'LAMA Height 52' and it mentions Tibet, the Dalai Lama and Obama.

1st March, 'Della Rosa Message for Iran' and it mentions 'Duck' and we all know how much the Chinese like their Duck. News media have written that there were two Iranians on the Malaysian flight, related to missing passports.

2nd March, Posted '8th Day' and 'Recoo' message.

Also compelled to make a forum post on 'Handwriting Analysis' on the same day.

4th March, I saw the golden light on the lamp of the Golden Horse. 2014 is the Chinese Year of the Horse. In that post, I mentioned 'Taipei'.


6th March, while posting on a public forum about the 100 foot comet, I received the message, 'Plane', Murder' and it was posted. I also received this painting. We now know that the colors of the logo of Malaysian Airways, are these colors, blue and red. If you look carefully, you will see the face of a chubby person that could be oriental.

Afterwards due to the previous 'Cowboy Vision', I related the message to something that had already happened, instead of what was coming. However, it is clear that the 'Cowboy Vision' was to do with John Wayne Airport and Sue Farnell. The other 'Plane', 'Murder' was still to come.

Same day, I received this message. The heavenly Father said, 'A new bed is required' and 'They're putting something in the h/ash'.

What is the message about hash to do with in light of what has happened to the plane?

Interhash World Event, 2014, March, Hainan, China.


8th March, on the 8th Day, I have a 'Jesus Christ Superstar Dream', and my best friend that appears in the dream, was born in Malaysia. That's a fact. Her mother was Indian, and her Dad was English, and her family were in Malaysia when she was born.

After that I saw the news that a Malaysian plane, a Boeing 777, had literally disappeared off the radar, and the families are still waiting for news about their loved ones.

Following that I was pondering on 'Silicon Valley' and laser manufacturers and posted it in the public domain at the time.

12th March, receive 'Disclose Vision',  and it has a connection to 'phone apps'. So I went to check the latest news on the Malaysian plane, while reading. I receive another message, 'STILL POINT'. When I check on 'Still Point', it is the name of a Buddhist Temple in Michigan, USA, and it is owned by Korean Buddhists.

In addition, the news reports that there were 29 Chinese artists on the plane, the Chinese Calligraphy Association. The plane had many Buddhists on the plane, due to a large religious festival that 30,000 Buddhists were attending from around the world.

My recommendation is that all Buddhists around the world are given the alert, and to be alert!

I see a motive, has been to impact on Buddhists, and those that care about them internationally. The care of the international community for the Buddhists is very emotive. This is also the timeline of 'Emotive Social Evolution', as predicted by yours truly at the beginning of the millennium.

There is more, and I will update this post as I remember it, or has I am given more divine guidance upon it. When I was originally given the message, 'Plane Murder', I also picked up on a link to Mexico, and I have posted, that people on that plane could've been living anywhere. Its not just about nationality, its about the country where they were living as well.


  1. 13th Day, Purim, Jewish Holiday.

    Son of former head of Goldman Sachs and MF Global found dead.

    "On March 13, the son of Jon Corzine was found dead in Mexico City of an apparent suicide. Jon Corzine was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, head of MF Global, and Governor of New Jersey, as well as being a long time campaign financier for President Barack Obama."

  2. BBC Report today, there were three Americans on that plane and one of the was an executive from IBM who had relocated.

  3. BBC sharing news on investigation of pilots. You will see the word 'LAMA' in the place name of where one of the pilots lived. Pilot and co-pilot both appear to have Islamic names.


    1. Pilot bald, round faced as painting above depicted.

  5. Christian article mentions the 'concept of black box being part of the brain' and it looks like it was written in 2013.
