
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Disclose Vision

This morning when I woke up, I was shown a vision of a write up on the internet. Some words were being shown to me in the lines that had been written.

One of the words was three letters, of a user name from an internet forum, Jif.

The other word highlighted for me was 'Disclose'. As we know, Jesus predicted that there would be 'disclosure' in the last days of the end times. His love energy was very powerful with me last night while I was writing to a guy from the USA, and I shared what I had experienced with the person that was in communication with me at the time.


I received, a sudden burst of hot love, the love of Jesus is always like that when he is with me, I feel his love very powerfully.

However. what do these three letters mean, 'J i f'  and what do they have to do with disclose, and disclosure? Yesterday, Jif had posted a thread on 'phone apps'. It brings forth the question, was it phone apps that impacted on the technology of that plane? With technology today, anything is possible.

While I was viewing the latest news on the Malaysian Airline situation, (due to the prophecy that I received prior to it, of 'plane, 'murder'. I was given the message 'Still Point'.

I had posted the 8th day video on the 3rd of March. This paint was also spread and scanned on the 6th March. Its no coincidence that it is the same colors as the Malaysian Airline logo. At the time of painting, I felt 'Red Eagle' with the painting and made a post on it for the USA.

I had also made a post called the 'Black Box - and Humbling of America' and it discussed technology.  It was shared that I had been shown that suddenly screens would go black, and only a couple of little lights would flicker. I wrote that it looked like the 'hard disk' had gone. Could a phone app impact on the hardware technology of a plane?

Today, I was given the words 'Still Point' when looking at a page on the latest news about the plane.

I just took a look at 'Still Point' and there is a 'Still Point Buddhist Temple' in the USA. [1] The temple is location at 4347 Trumball in Detroit, Michigan. It is written that the founder of the Still Point Buddhist Temple was taught by a Zen Master from Korea. He has been establishing several Buddhist temples in North America. It does make one wonder if 'Koho Vince Anila' was on that Malaysian plane. Or whether there is going to be another event in Michigan.

I will make a different post on the Malaysian Airline situation, and the words that I have received related to it, with dates and links. They have been shared with others, since before, and after the crash happened. Although it would be good to put them altogether.

I wonder how many Buddhists were on that flight!

News is that there were 29 Chinese artists on that flight, due to a major exhibition. Including people from the Chinese Calligraphy Association. In addition, the news says, 'The Buddhists were in Kuala Lumpur to attend a religious event on March 2 that was attended by more than 30,000 followers from around the world, including more than 100 from China, Caixin said'. 

That then reminds me of the handwriting thread that I was inspired to post. 

So whoever went after that flight, knew there were going to be a lot of Buddhists on board. 

Liao said, 'Nobody could have predicted this'. [2] 




  1. Jif is a well known lemon juice brand in the UK, Ireland, sold by Unilever, and lemon was given to us in the past to do with Iran. Unilever also manufacture a cleaning product branded as Jif in Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, and the Nordic countries.

    Jiffs is also British army slang for soldiers in the Indian national army. No surprise then that they got the Indians involved looking for that Malaysian plane. Of course, then there is the peanut butter brand in the USA. Its production facilities are at Lexington, Kentucky.

  2. On the 21st January, 2014, there was a fire at the Lexington facility.
    Fire department officials did not know if the roof of the peanut butter plant caught fire, or if the flames were shooting through vents. The cause of the blaze was not known Tuesday.

    Read more here:

  3. OK, let's see where this leads. Smucker has received out of state incentives. It also has facilities in Memphis and New Bethlehem, USA.

    12 years of tax breaks amounting to $5,5M

    Then the news item mentions 'Skippy' peanut butter, big smiles.

    "And for retailers, there's a comfort level to putting Jif on the shelf, because if it says 'Jif' on it, it will probably sell."


  4. Did I mention that JIF had posted on 'Phone Apps'.

    Well check this out.

    What do we find on the JIFITI website? The Vesica Pisces that is also on my website.

  5. This made me laugh from the urban dictionary. I'll get to it in a JIffy, England didn't do very well in the world cup did they. Those gorgeous Italians, what can you do with them.
