
Tuesday 25 March 2014

Catalytic Florida - Green Eyes

21st March 2014, Jesus showed me 'Green Eyes', and then I saw a couple. The post was called 'Heart of Peace -v- Envy Rots', and it mentions Rev 17.

The Telegraph reports that there was a shooting of a police officer in Florida, and a young couple were involved, it is written that they had a 'suicide pact', and it happened on the 24th March, 2014. Why is this connected with what I saw on the 21st? If you look at the photographs featured in the Telegraph, they both appear to have green eyes.

In the vision that I saw of the couple, it looked like his hair was brown, and he didn't have a beard, although he did have facial hair. He wasn't wearing glasses either. However, it is no coincidence that I was shown a couple, and green eyes, just days prior to this shooting.

'Green eyes' are to do with the spiritual law, due to the behavior of a person in a previous lifetime.

So why did Jesus show us the 'green eyes, and couple', and what is he wishing for us to look at?

An aspect of this is the letters that they sent, and the words that they wrote. Indicate their state of consciousness and being when writing them. The couple were only young, an American boy, just 18 and his British girlfriend 17. Does it remind you of Rev 17 and 18?

Just children emotionally, as we know scientifically that the brain hasn't fully developed until the age of 25.

In the letter from the girl it is written that she 'accused' her mother of being 'ignorant', and 'self-concerned'.

She closed the letter: “If I had stayed another minute I would have painted the walls and stained the carpets with my blood, so you could clean it up"

When she wrote to her father, she apologizes for 'changing', what brought about that change? Was it the American boyfriend, or that she was living in America? America, a country of bloodshed. When she wrote to her sister, she wrote of a 'wrong turn', and 'insecurity', does it ring a bell America? 

Many years ago, Jesus asked the people to 'replace the word ignorant with the word innocence'. 

The American boy wrote: “I love you with all my heart. Please don’t be sad, this is what I want now. I get to die peacefully with the woman of my dreams, my fiancĂ© (yes we are engaged!) I miss you both so much already. I love you mom, I love you dad.”
The letters were released by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in Florida along with notes that Miss Hollinghurst and Goode exchanged with one another.

The boy wrote of  'Sad', 'want' and 'die peacefully'. 
'Want' is to do with the root level of consciousness, his 'inner child' and childhood. As I have written before, 'What do you feed your children America? Did this child come from an orthodox Christian family?
When the heavenly Father spoke of this painting he spoke of 'Sad', Catalytic Event', to describe it, and he said, 'They will cry'. It is certainly sad, when the youth of today would rather die than live. Its also catalytic, if they take an innocent person with them. Its clear to me that the boy, had a big influence on this attractive young girl. Its around that age that children often experience their first love. 

He also wrote to his parents about his 'pain and misery', so what was causing that America? We know for a fact that the level of a child's suffering, is usually determined by the level of the parents suffering, and I wrote a post on that called, 'Teen Alert', I also shared that 'Teen Alert', in the public domain. 

The question that I would be asking is, how long had the family been living in America, why are the media making such a big thing about the fact that she was British, when many Americans have a British ancestry? How and where did the children meet, what was going on in their environment, home life, education or work life?
His wish was to 'die peacefully', 'woman of his dreams', had their been a bereavement in the family? Had the boy been put on any 'medication' during his short life? The child referred to his girlfriend, as a woman, a female is not a woman at the age of 17. Does it remind you of Rev 17? If you look at his handwriting it also nearly 'illegible', this is a boy that had serious 'self-esteem' issues. 
From the letters shared by the police, we can see that both of these children had issues with parents. However, it was the girl that spoke about the shedding of her own blood. Clearly, bloodshed has a huge impact on the psyche of girls. Puberty also takes a long time for children to work through, and in most homes, there is very little support for the children when parents are working all of the time.

Is that due to the fact, that the bodies of girls shed blood on a monthly basis? Or is it just the nature of children that live in the current state of the nation of America? All these aspects must be considered by Americans, due to many lives being involved. 
A few years ago, I gave a slogan to America, 'We will live for you, and not die for you'. 
I also wrote about 'Courage to Live', prior to this catalytic event, that is certainly very sad indeed. Not only for the families of these children. Also for the family of the police officer. 
So can you give your children the courage to live America? Can you give them the courage to find the peace in their own hearts? Can you turn your hearts to the children? When is enough, really enough? 

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