
Tuesday 25 March 2014


This was posted in response to a person that responded to the 144,000 post and it feels upright to re-post here on the blog. I hope that it makes my position very clear, and give clarity to those that may be interested in it. 

Those that know me and my voice, know that my devotion is to the LORD and his divine plan. For in the will of the LORD and his Son, entrusted, wisdom, that she was ordained to be. 

There is a divine plan and there is a pecking order to it. As I did my utmost to explain to others many years ago in the public domain. As far as the people in your video are concerned. There are many reasons why people experience some of those realities. Realities that wisdom comprehends at its deepest levels over many incarnations.  

The LORD prepared and showed her everything that he wished for her to see and comprehend. Hence, she comprehends the sheer importance of the divine plan, and what is essential to impact on those realities. Not for a short term solution, like many people co-create. 

For instance, there was a man, his house burned down. His wife and children died in that fire. He was very tall, very attractive, very intelligent, a medical doctor. He roamed the streets, and I knew that he  always would.  It was his choice to do so. As such, his free will was honored. I helped him, when and where I could, as I do anyone that the LORD brings to me for help.


However, they're interventions that can be made, divine interventions and it those interventions, 
that will make a difference to where humanity is going. The degree of the suffering that humanity are willing to sit and watch, is wholly dependent on your free will. 

That is why I have no free will, for I laid down my own life in devotion to the LORD and his divine plan. Being his vessel, his instrument, is not an easy task, and some are beginning to comprehend, the sheer devotion that is required to live a truly righteous life, in harmonic concordance with his will-to-good. 

For a person to give themselves wholly to the will of the LORD, does mean change for humanity. Change that the LORD wills, not man. That is what this is about. The 144,000 that laid down their own lives, and have devoted their lives to the will of God, and in so doing have walked 'blamelessly' with God. 

The word, 'blameless', in Hebrew is interesting. For it means that they've come to completion of truth, the wholeness of it, and this will be their last lifetime on this planet due to the sheer importance of the work that the 'Sons of Light', promised to incarnate for. 

I hope that you can understand, that this is not personal, for I am beyond that, this is written for everyone to comprehend at its deepest levels. The original post was called, 'Blameless Walk', and it is about how one walks, where one walks, and what state of being one is in, when walking it. Proverbs 4 is another good reminder for those reading this post. 

In this video some of the filming was done on Mount Carmel where they say Elijah went up to heaven, and I was blessed to walk there in May 2006. It was a wonderful journey, to return, and there were lots of people with us that day. 

A dad with his children reading the story of Elijah to his children in Hebrew, over 20 people from the French Church praying for forgiveness of the Jewish people. Myself and the spiritual Israeli's toning, and singing, ceremony. That was my day of atonement, and I was truly blessed to experience it, and see that lovely land in the good will of the LORD. I will always treasure my time and blameless walk in Israel. For it touched my heart and soul deeply, and I felt like I had gone home. 

I will always cherish the understanding that I received, and I know that they appreciated wisdom and divine guidance that was given. To bless others, and to receive their blessing, will always stay in my heart with our brothers and sisters. Such great magnanimous love was shared, embraced and honored.

The original post - Blameless Walk

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