
Thursday 6 February 2014

Where You Stand

More songs from 'Travis' following the dream that I had of him. [1] The angels that surround the throne. Travis singing, 'Where You Stand', do you know where you stand, and what you stand for?

Is there a cause close to your heart? Do you truly comprehend righteousness and what it brought forth for others? The verse of the day tells you what it brought forth. 'Whoever pursues righteousness and love, finds life, prosperity and honor'. Proverbs 21:21

The heat of the power of love that I can feel is so hot. The cause of truth upright from the start.

In your majesty, ride forth victoriously. in the cause of truth, humility,
and justice. let your right hand achieve awesome deeds. Psalm 45;4 

Now that it is the end of an era for yours truly, time to clear up, so that I can begin again, the full ride into 2014. Today, I watched a couple of videos from the 'America Unearthed' series. It was about a structure that had been built in Newport, and they found the cumberland stone in it. The connection between the name, and the English location, they say that the structure was built by the Templars. 

It gave Americans a powerful message to those that could comprehend it. It even has the womb, the portals and aligned with Venus, with the sun that comes into it. It held a prophecy about the watchtower of the flock, for those that had the eyes to see. USHA, the divine truth of the divine governor, that is the divine court of the LORD. Peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler, that certainly came to be in my life. 

My sun is in Aquarius, so it is natural that I would be clothed in its freedom of Spirit. Freedom of speech, and humanitarian, charitable causes. The heart of intelligence of the water bearer. 

My Venus is in Pisces, so it is natural, that I would have a deep connection with the true Christ teachings. The tao of the two fishes swimming in harmony in a circle. The circle with a point in the middle of it, that can also be seen at Newport. Who ever built it, was telling those that understand, about the new that was predicted to come. 

With Venus in Pisces it also explains the incurable romantic of doing it all for love, and if you combine that with Mars in Virgo, the Virgin, it was bound to be a mission that was about the power of love, and its compassionate action. They are highly creative naturally. Hence the creative career was a very important aspect of the life, combined with a natural acumen. 

They are born artists, that like clothes that are colorful and flow. The fishes going with the flow is so natural for a person that has integrated unconditional love. Its a very deep level of love, and although very serious about their spirituality. It is often joyful in its expression, like the innocence and wonder of a child, that can see the beauty of creation in its journey.

With their friends and loved ones, even complete strangers, they usually give everything that they have to give. Even if it means that they themselves will be left in a vulnerable situation, putting others before the self, being selfless, is natural for a person that has Venus in Pisces. They do tend to wear their heart on their sleeves, honest, and open-hearted with people. With this placing it is a natural for a spiritual teacher, and natural for heart to compel her to give her heart to her students.

Whatever nation they came from, no matter what their history, or lineage was, all were given the same heart in equality. A heart that helps to transform people, on the path of love, that leads to enlightenment.

Astrologer, Julia Parker wrote this about Venus in Pisces.

'This combination will give you strong charitable impulses', When moved by human suffering, you will be quite capable of sending everything you have'.  'Kindness second to none'. 'Be careful that you are not unduly imposed upon in work; even as an executive you might find yourself making the coffee for your secretary and doing all sorts of jobs outside your main work'. 

Its the willingness to roll your sleeves up, and get on with it, with everyone else in the team. 'As an employer, you could be rather soft with employees'. That is so true, especially, the younger ones. Those with Venus in Pisces, are soft and gentle hearted.

Does it remind you of the Vesica Pisces and the eclipse of the ages? 

Due to the immense sensitivity of the sign, it takes a long time for a person with Venus in Pisces, to come to terms with other people, and the way that many choose to lead their lives. However, their level of acceptance, compassion, mercy, and going with the flow, does help them through every situation, and to overcome with the power of love and devotion.

In one-to-one love relationships they can be reluctant, to make a commitment due to their free Spirit.

A Venus in Pisces person is likely to have many offers of relationships during their lives, and marriage proposals. Although they're often reluctant to accept them. However, once they decide it feels right, its compatible, then it is full speed ahead. In relationships, they have to listen to their intuition, because it is always correct. With Venus in Pisces, harmonics are essential, natural flowing from the heart, an outpouring of their love, that is showered upon those that they love. They are great givers.

Its always hard for them to walk away from a person due to their kindness, when they've shared some of their life and heart with. Due to the sheer immensity of the totality of their devoted love. However, once they do, then they are on their way with a new journey. They can get to the point where they say, no, enough. Hence people with Venus in Pisces do tend to get on well with water signs, that are peaceful. 

With Venus in Pisces, it does enable the sensitivity and kindness appropriate, for the study of souls, and that is what spiritual psychology is all about. Life experience. That is another reason that I can often see and feel things, beyond what most people consider normal. Having reached the depths and breadth of experience, people with Venus in Pisces make excellent healers, because they really do give their all. Their trust is beyond measure, when they're in their sacred space of their sanctuary of their summer of love that exists always. Ever hopeful, ever loving, the dreamer that made their own dreams come true, and helped others to manifest their dreams, good health and prosperity.

My whole life was a learning experience, experiences that were integrated, prior to coming to completion of truth within myself. It would be interesting to know, if there is a correlation between people with Venus in Pisces, and remote viewing. 

So many different locations hold the messages, and the biblical prophecies did predict, that the name had been placed in every land and nation since ancient times. 

When you're fully focussed in caring fully for the world of others, in every moment of time, everything else to do with your own life, can go on hold. In that moment in time, only your own values matter to you, due to the importance of the divine plan, in the service of divine will to help humanity. 

With every ending, comes a new beginning. A different phase of life, a different phase of the divine plan. I look at everything that is here, and it is an awesome task to be done.

However, it must be done, I have no choice. People ask for compromise, although there can be none, due to where humanity have arrived in their nations, due to what the people have done. There is more than one planet in the cosmos, and that all has to be taken into account, in the spiritual law of it.

Venus in Pisces does have fluidity, and it is essential that people are fluid in their acceptance of the fact, that change that began in 2003, has come. The Star of David was formed by the planets, and the angels called the elect, exactly as the prophecies predicted that they would.

I am being shown that it was the forgiveness given to a man, that made the difference.

'The depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love'. Sacred Words 

Just sharing the journey with you. 


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