
Thursday 6 February 2014


A few weeks ago I was with a close friend, and while we were talking one of her relatives arrived in Spirit. She spoke of 'Keema', it was a woman wearing white mink, she was clearly from Indian descent.

I asked my friend if she knew of anyone in the family that had ever worn white mink? She said, she would ask members of the family.

Today, in the news, there is a story about the 'Mink'.

'The culling of non-native American mink on the Western Isles, which began 13 years ago, is almost completed.
Scottish Natural Heritage anticipates that the animals could be eradicated from the isles by 2017.
Blamed for preying on birds and voles, the mammals are the descendants of mink that escaped from fur farms operated in the 1960s and 70s.
Aiding the cull is a trap called Mink Police, which sends out a text alert when a mink is caught.' [1] 
Keema is also the name of an Indian dish, and it can be spelt, Kheema, or Qeema. Its basically curried mince meat, with peas, and or potatoes. Its also eaten in samosas. There was a campaign by some Somali Muslims, against pyramid shaped samosas. Of course, there are vegetables ones and other types of samosa's as well. 

'Somalia’s al-Shabaab group has banned samosas after ruling the popular snacks are ‘offensive’ and too Christian.' 

Now last week, the heavenly Father gave me a warning, about what the USA was walking into, in their own country. However, how can you help people if they do not wish to hear it? 

The biblical prophecies predicted that the allies of the USA, would turn against them. Obadiah 1:7. 

When the Jewish sages were asked what could be done to help the land of ESAU, they were told that the seed of Esau, could only be delivered by the hand of Joseph. 

While I am writing this I am being given another message, 'KALA',  and it can mean 'Black'. 

Kala is a Sanscrit word, and it can mean 'TIME', its also a name of deity. It is written that 'Kala' is the 'god of death'. In Javanese mythology,' Batara Kala' is the 'god of destruction'. 

 'Mahakala'  is depicted as a giant and is referred to as a 'Protector of the Dharma', e.g. the spiritual law.  [4] Biblically, 'Righteousness delivers from death'.  The power of love is awesomeness, in its existence of its light, to transform the world with its compassionate action. There is more than one way, to defend the truth of the spiritual law of the cosmos that impacts on the planet and the being of everyone, the spiritual law is part of every being.

The 'Mahakala' timeframe also links in with what the modern day Vikings are saying, and the horn was sounded in York recently. I say the same to the Vikings, that they shall come to the power of love, for their very existence depends upon it. 

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