
Friday 21 February 2014

Virgin of the Globe

There is an interesting story shared on the Nostradamus website and it is about a French woman, Catherine Laboure. On 6th June, 1830 it is written that she had a divine experience, and describes it as seeing 'Our Lord during mass robed as a king. How at the reading of the gospel, the symbols of his kingship fell to the ground'.

That is clearly prophetic, and it signifies what was predicted to happen in the last days of the end times when the books were opened and the truth was disclosed. What use did Jesus ever have for 'symbols of kingship?'. What value did they ever have to him? 

Catherine also spoke of how a little child clothed in white appeared before, calling her to go to the chapel of the Blessed Virgin who was waiting for her there. The child said to her, 'do not be afraid'. When she arrived, it is written as follows: 'I heard a noise like the rustling of a silk dress, which came from the direction of the tribune near the picture of St Joseph. A lady was seating herself in a chair. The child told her 'This is the Blessed Virgin'. Then the child spoke, no longer as a child, but as a grown man. 

It was shared with Catherine what was going to happen and she was asked 'to come to the foot of the altar. There grace will be shed upon all, great and small, who ask for them. Especially will grace be shed upon those who ask for them'. 

She speaks of two communities, and what happens on a regular basis, she then gives advice, and counsel, on what to do about what will happen in those communities.

Then on 27th November 1830, she has another divine experience, this time she mentions 'the deep silence after the point of the meditation, that had been read.' Catherine mentions the silk dress again, and the picture of St Joseph. Her height is described as 'medium', and she is wearing all white, referred to as the 'whiteness of the dawn'. The dress as a high neck, and plain sleeves, white veil covering her head. It sounds like a wedding gown. Her hair is in coils with white lace, and she is wearing rings on her fingers.

The following message was given.

'This ball that you see represents the whole world, and especially France. They are symbols of graces, that I shed upon people who ask me. The gems from which ray they do not fall, are the graces that souls for which souls forget to ask'. 

' Have a Medal struck after this model. All who wear it will receive great graces. They should wear it around their necks. Graces will abound for those who wear it with confidence.' 

Catherine was then asked to call the medal, 'Virgin of the Globe'. 

Its an interesting story, and looks like it was prophetic about the last days of the end times.  However. would Mary ask for such a medallion to be worn by anyone? Those that have truly worked with Mother Mary, know the response to that. So did Catherine really see Mother Mary, or is this another story from the Vatican archives? 

The information about the two different communities would certainly explain a lot of what has been happening in those communities due to the Catholics. Its no surprise, that they don't like the photograph on this blogspot, it was my son that came up with the idea, and put the two different graphics together and offered it to me. I simply honored the child, by accepting his creative input. Creative people put graphics together all of the time, it is the nature of creatives to do so. Interesting that Catherine mentions the 'meditation', the 'seat', and the picture of 'Joseph'. 

I was blessed to see Mother Mary many times, and received many beautiful messages from her. However, every time I saw her, she was always standing up. 

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