
Thursday 20 February 2014

Sacred Wheel

I was going to make a mandala painting for a man, and this painting came to be. While I was painting the LORD spoke to me and he said, 'My son, sacred wheel', so I have called the painting 'Sacred Wheel'.

A little while afterwards, he spoke the name of 'Ann-Marie'. That rhymes doesn't it?

My Son

Sacred Wheel


The combination of the masculine and feminine energy together, united in the sacred wheel.

The painting is very bright, in Native American colors. I see pyramids, and I see the oceans above and below, like the heavens above and below. I see the fruit, and architecture in the sun. I see the cross of transformation, I see the the eight pointed star of Venus. I see the four cardinal directions, and the Christos energy that is impacting on all four directions.  I feel the leaves for healing the nations, and the point of it all. As above, so below for the sacredness of the wheel.

The painting is an unusual shape, and if you turn it on its side, it is the shape of an almond eye. The eye that holds the sacred wheel, that brings to fruition manifestation. It looks to me, that it is about the 'Flourishing' of the sacred wheel, from the seed that was planted long ago. Natural in its environment.

I did a training course with a girl, with the name of Ann-Marie, in the 90's.  She was going out with a friend of mine, and she just wished to be free. After they split up, his first sweetheart returned to him.

The American lady that had been living in America, returned to England, to be with a man that she loved, when they first met at university. The story goes that she and her husband split up, and she looked for my friend. She had been taken to America by her parents, married there etc. As far as I know, they live happily ever after. I always shared with him, that one day the perfect lady would come for him, and in the end she did.

There must be some reason why I am sharing this story to do with the 'Sacred Wheel' of life, and how life can have happy endings, when people follow their hearts. It is love that makes things grow in a good way, it is love that makes children, people and projects flourish. Especially, when it is poured out of the heart. It is the love that waters the seed, so that the seed grows, it is the sun that shines on the seed to make it grow. The fruit trees like the sun and the water, they have to have both.

Children can be like a fruit tree, where both the male and feminine energy, is essential to their healthy growth. If the fruit has to much water of the feminine, the fruit can be too soft, if the fruit has to much sun of the male energy, the fruit can get scorched. So there has to be a balance, even if and when, it is a single parent family. There has to be a unity, a harmony in the soul of the energies that are healthy for children.

Humanity can learn much about human nature, nurture and environment, from agriculture, and that is the reason and creative rationale, of why Jesus referred to it, so much in his teachings. As he said, 'nature is the holy scroll' and it is written in the Essene Gospel of Peace, Teachings of the Elect.

In the urban dictionary, it says that the name 'Ann-Marie', is a person with a big heart, and cares for everyone around her. That's sweet! [1]

The sacred wheel of life can be as sweet as natural fruit, when people choose to view it as such, its about seeing the beauty of creation, and why some things happen the way that they do.

It is also written that the name means, 'God has favored me'. Blessings in abundance. I can see why some parents would choose that name for their daughters.

This painting is about the sacred wheel of life and its manifestation that is active in this person's life. I feel sure that all of his dreams will manifest, and that he will be satisfied, and happy with the outcome.

There are three colours in the painting, turquoise, gold and sunshine orange. Hence, the sunshine is important to the health of this person, including vitamin C. I also recommend the vegetable squash, and a gold and turquoise flower essence remedy.

With these colours, there is a really strong connection with the indigenous people of the land, and they are good colors for this person to wear.


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