
Friday 21 February 2014

Vincent de Paul - Great Apostle of Charity

In the French story of the 'Virgin of the Globe', [1] I shared only a part of it. The other important aspect of the message received from the Virgin was about two different communities,  and what was predicted would happen in them. It looks very much like this is referring to two internet communities. within the social networks, that is known as CT.

The message was as follows:

'My child, I particularly love to shed grace upon your Community. I love it very much. It pains me that there are great abuses in regularity, that the rules are not observed, that there is much relaxation in the two Communities. 

Tell that to him who is charge of you, even though he is not the superior. He will be given charge of the Community in a special way, he must do everything he can to restore the rule of vigour. Tell him for me to guard against useless reading, loss of time and visits. When the rule will have been restored in vigour, a community will ask to be united to your Community. Such is not customary, but I love them. 

God will bless those who take them in. They will enjoy great peace. The Community will enjoy great peace. It will become large. But, there will be an abundance of sorrows, and the danger will be great. Yet, do not be afraid, tell them not to be afraid. The protection of God will be very present in a special way, and St. Vincent will protect you'. [2] 

The protection of God was certainly present in a special way, although some don't like special.

Anyhow, who is St Vincent? We have an artists impression of what he looks like. It is written that St Vincent de Paul was the 'Great Apostle of Charity' due to his dedication of serving the poor. [3] The story of his life is a fascinating one, filled with big adventures. It includes an inheritance, being taken 'captive by pirates', he was 'auctioned to the highest bidder', and taken into 'bondage' for two years.

The story includes how some Christian men married Muslim wives, to ensure their freedom from 'slavery' in those times.  Of course it also gave the Christian men the opportunity to have more than one wife.

I am sure that some men liked the idea of that, having their pick of who they would sleep with, every night. It really is time that someone taught Saudi about 'sexual energy' and how it can impact on the peoples health. Sexual energy can stay with a person for six months, and that is often the reason that people can become what they do in relationships, when and if there is more than one sexual partner at a time. It can impact on the relationship with self, loved ones, friends, family, children and the planet on which people live. So make sure that you explore those hearts, and comprehend exactly where they're coming from.

A Muslim wife began to visit Vincent to speak to him of his faith. After awhile, she was so convinced by Vincent, that she 'admonished her husband for renouncing Christianity.'

That's how the story goes. I will leave you to read the rest of the story, about his adventures and how he was able to help the poor. He was funded by a wealthy family, a Countess convinced her husband that his charitable work helping the poor, was a worthy cause. Her name was the Countess di Gondi.

Miracles come in life when the timing is perfect. Its all about the 'Sacred Wheel of Life' and how it manifests for those that are ready to receive them. Vincent de Paul, had a great connection with nature, like the nature of St Francis and his associates that came from a rich family.

In the history of the ages, there have always were men with compassionate hearts, that were ready and willing to help the poor in a charitable way. Sons of rich men, that were willing to do it all for love. Sons that could see that the way of their parents, was different to the way of love. Some of those Sons followed their heart, just like it is reported that the Countess did.

We shall never give up on the cause of love, the cause of truth, that can impact on hearts in a good way.


The Virgin is true, the protection of God is present, in a special way.

So did Vincent de Paul reincarnate into the community?


My view is, that he is just finding out who he is.


Now what is also interesting, is that I received a prophecy, for Amsterdam, about it getting bigger this year. I also said to one of the moderators,  'See you in two years', because the community has a lot to sort out, as the words of the blessed Virgin conveyed. The prophecy predicts an amalgamation, of two communities, and the prophecy indicates that it is the combination of people from Europe, due to its mention of France. This could indicate that the prophecy about it getting 'bigger', could be due to the amalgamation. Those in the Netherlands, are also important due to the prophecy that I was given, a prophecy that comes to its conclusion in the summer of 2014.



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