
Friday 21 February 2014


On the 11th December 2011, I wrote about the 'Golden Moon Total Lunar Eclipse', and it mentions European countries and includes Poland. In that blog post it mentions two different prophecies from Nostradamus and "Raypoz" will exterminate all who oppose him, before the coming, the sky will show signs'. The second prophecy featured refers to the following: 'Arabs will be allied with the Poles'. And the Polish are referred to as Poles. [1]

I must admit, I haven't taken much notice of what has been happening in the Ukraine, until today.

My attention was taken to it, due to the Polish minister caught on camera, speaking to the protest leaders: 'Sign the deal or you will all die'. [2] 

The name of the Polish minister is 'Radoslaw Sikorski', and the Telegraph have a video of him speaking to the protestors in that way. Raypoz and Rados, sound similar? [2] 

The 'Raypoz prophecy' also mentions Geneva, and on February 14, it is written that Syria peace talks ended in Geneva. No progress with the peace talks were accomplished. Five days later, there are 'violent' protests in the Ukraine, with alignment with Russia, while the Olympics are on.

February 21, astrologers say there was a 'Grand Cross' of the planets, with the Moon and Pluto at 13 degrees in Capricorn. Uranus at 13 Aries, Jupiter at 13 Cancer, and Mars at 14 Libra.

Goats, Rams. Crabs and Mars in Libra, is not a good combination in my humble view. Looks like its all land and sea impact, with the men that are active on this planet. A lot of men 'locking horns', and that would also link in with Mahakala time, and the Viking prophecy.

Will Russia step in again to calm the waters?

The LORD speaking about 'The politicians are the bane of your life', certainly makes a lot of sense, when you look at the Ukraine situation, and what the Polish minister is saying. So that is my feedback on it, due to the insight of the prophecies. The words of the LORD, combined with the prophecies, are showing us, that the Ukraine situation could escalate very quickly, across that region of Europe.

Life would be so much simpler, if people would choose the power of love.




  1. I believe this has happend before. The people of Poland have suffered since Nazi Germany. Russias' elite want this short cut, it would be another stab towards the Main Event. Saudi Arabian tribe leaders could really throw in a monkey wrench here. If this escallates, i expect that not only Isreal, and Iran getting anxious, but China who could raise them all by Two Hundred Million. China has spent msssive amounts of money in Northern India infrastructure projects. Mobilization would be very swift. India could be put on the hotseat in a blink, such ripples of culminating hatred.

    Jesus said these things must happen, we are not to fear hecause of this. It will pass, and flow around the power of grace.

    Love, the longer you push it away and hold it inside, the greater the shame it places upon you. A shame that once epiphanized by the last in denial, shall die faint of heart.

    Believe as He clothes you in Love eternal.

    Thanks Eliakim, sorry to train babble.

  2. The buzzer was given to me in 2013, and sometimes she presses the buzzer to say, yes, and sometimes, she presses the buzzer to say, no. When the people are in alignment with their hearts, and compelled by love and the divine will of the LORD, she presses the buzzer and says, YES. If and when the people are out of alignment with the true teachings of Christos, then the buzzer makes the sound of, no. So it is that it is important for the people to know the difference, in the sound of that which is upright and that which is not. For the love and light of the holy angels will prevail, for it is divine will for them to do so. With healing in their wings they soar divinely, with the love supreme, that creates the love energy of magnanimous. The awesomeness of perfect love that is for everyone, to become what they were ordained to become.

    In his teachings, the word 'fear' was replaced with the word 'love' and so it was that she overcome and healed with the love that he showered upon her, it enabled her to reclaim the love supreme from within herself.

    She shared with others how they were innocent, for like him, he said, to them, that they did not know what they were doing. For that which they did to others, they did unto themselves. For it is the spiritual law of the cosmos, that is all part of the sacred wheel of life.

    New Dawn Rising, I came to know that when a person can feel 'ashamed', they could feel how their soul was feeling. I felt like that in 2006, when I witnessed how English people treated Israel's when they came from their hearts to share their life experience of what it was like to live in Israel while being carpet bombed by Lebanon.

    I just wished for the spiritual Israeli's to be given a voice, to be heard, to be able to share from their hearts. Was that too much to ask? Was it too much to ask for mercy, compassion and for the love in their hearts?

    To see how my companions at that time were treated, by my other companions on the journey, it weighed heavy on my heart in 2006. However, it taught me what it means to feel 'ashamed' of our generation, It is written in scripture that Jesus predicted that I would feel that way, when I had to witness what had to see humanity do.

    What can be said of the spiritual that treat each other in such a way?

    What can be said for the spiritual that help others to get up, when others knock them down again? Is that progress in the spiritual community? Or is it keeping people in the same cycles that they have been in for aeons?

    It is perfectly correct to correct people on their spiritual journey. However, it must be done with respect, honor and integrity.

    Jesus did 'rebuke' his companions, his heart was and is strong. However, in his love for those that truly love, he never 'rebukes' you. He gives glory to the love that he bestows upon you. As he did with me. It is a divine love that is beyond measure, although it is also self-disciplined in its deeds and actions. For his love is self-disciplined, in the cause of truth. Did he call them out when they stood against the love that he bestowed in yours truly, of course he did. His words of wisdom were so profound, he catapulted me into a quantum leap in his reality. For what has changed in 2,000 years? If they're still afraid of magnanimous love. Did the people offer me magnanimous love? Or was she just a beacon of it, for others to comprehend what it really means to love divinely? For what nature is this of enlightenment of the Lotus Feet, and its organic and natural growth in the power of the love?

    What love is this that puts the happiness of others before the self?
