
Thursday 20 February 2014

Spirit of Grace

This beautiful sound of music was published on my birthday, 13th February, 2014. It is called, 'Spirit of Grace' and it is truly beautiful, it brings solace to my heart of grace. It is such a blessing to be able to hear it, and see him touch the keys. That reminds me, that I have a piece of obsidian, the size of a piano key, and it is to do with one of the Apostles that came to give healing to me in the 90's. I saw his Spirit stand before me, so tall, with tight curly hair, and then he spoke to me, and he told me his name, and why he had come to me.

Its no coincidence that this video is 13 minutes in length, the numeric of the day of my physical birth on the planet.  It was also uploaded in May 2013, and the month of May, is the anniversary of the gathering on the holy hill in Israel in 2006. May, when yours truly blessed the Sea of Galilee with others on the 22nd.  The video shares with you that the Spirit of Grace is being poured out upon humanity. Prophet Hosea shared how they would be betrothed to her. 

They ask me what do I know? This response was given.

The LORD knows all. 

I only know what the LORD has chosen to reveal to me, when he chose to reveal it, and still does. 

I know all about myself, because I put the effort into finding out, and truly knowing it, so that I could truly comprehend it, and so it was, I came to completion of truth. 

I can see others and what they hold within themselves, a glimpse that is shown to me, to help those that are crying out for help. Although few are willing to admit, that what they hold inside, that has to be redressed. 

For the people to achieve a balance and harmony that brings the peace that is resplendent. People have to be willing to heal, and sometimes that means accepting the help of others to do it. Due to the objectivity of a healer, that was blessed with the keys for healing consciousness. Many can be helped to make a breakthrough. 

Only those that have already made the breakthroughs, know how to help others to make a breakthrough. 

So yes, she does know more than most people comprehend. However, in her humility, in the power of the healing, she is a simple vessel for divine will. In that divine will, she is given what is important for others to know, for the healing of their realities. It is the evidence of her divine experience, that has been bestowed upon her, and others, that makes the difference in whether a person lives or dies. 

An instrument of faithfulness and righteousness, that the LORD has at his mercy seat, and seat of justice. For the seat that he put her upon is his seat, and it is his feet, upon which she walks. So it is, she cannot go anywhere or do anything, unless he wills it for her. 

Everything he does with her, his vessel, his instrument, has a reason for being. No matter how much she has suffered for staying in trustful loyalty. I could never leave him, due to the power of my love for him. This painting is called 'Exploring Hearts'. 

In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, she remains true to that which she knows to be true. 

Jerusalem, 'the immovable rock', cannot be moved, unless the LORD himself moves her. Just like he levitated her up, placed her gently on the bed, and then put his hand on her back, to give her healing. He knows what man has done to her back and her body, he knows what she requires to help her, this is why he inspires her, and compels her to do what she does. 

He keeps her mind in every cell of her body active, and her heart he compels. Sometimes he works through man to love her, if and when the love of a man, is required to make the difference in the next phase of the divine plan, of his divine will being done. 

He has mercy upon that which was divinely created, his Spirit of Grace that he sent to help humanity to return to him, and the way of life, that has a true foundation of his love for her, and on the planet on which she walks, lightly. 

He knows how much she adores children, and how important they are to her. Their smiles, their joy, their happiness. Hence, the selflessness is such, that she put the happiness of others before her own. That is why, one such as this was summoned to help his angels, saints, the outcasts, mystics, healers and forlorn knights. So much history, so little time, for a little person, that he sometimes calls his 'rose'. The perfect rose, that loves him beyond measure, perfectly. In the grace of the fragile fragrance of the flower, the dew from heaven came upon her. The manna from heaven, was shared with those that were ready to receive it. The divine love that feeds the soul. 

Many souls were fed with divine love, many souls were enlightened. Many felt lighter, and happier for receiving the manna. For this she is truly grateful, for what the vessel was able to accomplish, to help others, in his name. It has been a noble cause of truth, a divine mission indeed, for the Spirit of Grace. 

I knew two women with the name of Grace, one lives in the UK, and another one lived in Australia. Both spiritual people with big hearts, I will always remember my time spent with them, they are written in my book of life. 

Today, the 20th February, is the 'Day of Impression'. 

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