
Wednesday 19 February 2014

Lotus Fishy Dinner

Let's get back to cooking shall we? What's cooking tonight?

I have a white fish in the oven, covered with thin slices of (Cornish) brie on the top, a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar, covered with some tai chili sauce. Delicious. Its all melting together, like unconditional love. With my Venus in Pisces, I was obviously going to be very fond of fish, especially, if and when they are kindly.

I shall accompany it with some baby carrots, some sweet corn, being boiled in some water, with half a teaspoon of palm oil, and two teaspoons of honey. Yummy!

In addition, I shall have some fine green beans, slightly boiled with a teaspoon of capers that are good for teeth, and a teaspoon of soya sauce.

A true delight for one!

After I have drained the veggies, I shall keep the water and what it holds, for the stock of a soup.

I also fancy something sweet this evening for afters, so I am deciding between having, some pancakes or some kind of donut. I've never cooked a donut before, so we will have to see. Whether it shall be a pancake or a donut. I've been smelling donuts all day, so they're definitely calling me. LOL.

There you go, I found a recipe for donuts, from the English mum. 'No yeast, no kneed, shallow fry donuts'. Yippee!



  1. Four years, from being confused perplexed to now seeing the devine meangings in everything you do Eliakim Joseph Sophia. Even your name is drenched in grace. I can't say to much in fear of flattering you. I only type what enters the message train, and still struggle to do so with perfection.

    I am humbled by your grace, and pray for the gift to speak from that shineing within.

    Accorn squash. Yep! :)

  2. And they shall grow strong in their nature, and be called 'Oaks of Righteousness'. Like the power of the blessed son, and where he was born amongst the oak trees. For the LORD blessed me, when he blessed me with you. No one shall take his children out of his hand, for the light of love they do see. The light of love that helps them to grow perfectly, as they're meant to be free, as born to be, in the cause of truth.

    Love beyond measure Newdawnrising.

    After the Iraq war began, Jesus and his mother came to me, they said that there is a new dawn on the horizon, and out of the darkness would come the light. You found that light within, as I saw you come up on the horizon before me. Like the golden sun itself, that gave the breath of life to the message, received years earlier. We are truly blessed.
