
Sunday 16 February 2014


When I woke up this morning, I saw a glimpse of 'Divine Mother from the East', the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy. A little while afterwards, I received the word 'Mashon', and it sounded Hebrew/Aramaic. However, the word can be found in Buddhism, and as a name, it is written in the records of Yorkshire in England and the USA.

The last time that I was in Yorkshire, I was there for a week, staying with a lady that was training with me. While I was there, she shared with me what she saw, when she was working with me. She left Yorkshire soon after that, she moved counties to be closer to her family. We were close for many years, and I had known her since the 90's, when she first contacted me on the phone.

The Mashon's were 'Lords of the Manor' and although her surname is not 'Mashon', when we first met, she lived in a beautiful Georgian manor house. After I received the message about the 'Tomahawk', I was divinely counseled, to accept all invitations that I was offered. So when the lady invited me to go to Yorkshire for a celebration, of course, I accepted her offer and I invited a spiritual friend to come with me, to share the driving. Both of us had other friends in Yorkshire, so a good time was had by all. It was during that visit, that the whole adventure with 'Clifford's Tower', happened, and there were two witnesses with me that day on the adventure.

It was during that visit that the 'Tomahawk', was manifested. A real one, that had found its way to England from America, and it had a heart shape in its blade. Those that were involved in the whole adventure, from beginning to end, know that it was given to the man, that was given the original message months previously. Some of the people involved in the adventure, were a generation younger, and I am sure, that they still enjoy sharing the story, of the divine manifestation, that took place in their presence.

There was an 18th century Jewish Rabbi with the name of 'Mashon'. It is written that the first reliable dates for the Jewish people living in 'Bukhara', dates to the 13th century. The hara is also to do with the divine shrine, and can be found in oriental healing arts. The golden bowl of the divine shrine, mentioned in the bible.

The rabbi Iosef Mashon Magrebi, was a native from Morocco. The Bukhara Jews, spoke in the Persian language with the Hebrew alphabet. Their main occupation was dying fabrics different colors, and as we know the colors were used for colour healing.

In 1697, Mr Henry Sike, Professor of Oriental Languages at Cambridge, a scholar that translated the scriptures. It is written that 'Mr Sike relates out of La Brosse's Persic Lexicon, that Christ practised the trade of a dyer, and his working a miracle with colors; from whence the Persian dyers honor him as their patron, and call a dye-house the shop of Christ'.

Interesting that I bought some dye last year. While I was looking to cite the Professor, I was led to this passage.

"Behold he will remove the heavens, and the mountains, the hills and the seas and all things shall be made plain to his elect; that he may render unto them the promise which he has promised, with much honor and joy if so be that they shall keep the commandments of God, which they have received with great faith. 

And when she had made an end of reading, she rose out of the chair; and behold four young men came, and carried the chair to the east. And she called me unto her, and touched my breast, and said, unto me. Did my reading please thee? I answered, Lady, these last things, please me; but what went before was severe and hard. She said, unto me, these last things are for the righteous, but for the foregoing, for the revolters and heathen.

And as she was talking, with me, two men appeared, and took her on their shoulders, and went to the east, where the chair was. And she went cheerfully away, and as she was going, said unto me, Hermas, be of good cheer'. This is from the first book of Hermas, which is called the visions. It was composed by Pius, bishop of Rome.

Isaiah 24 speaks of what is happening to the earth, and how at the end of the day, the LORD Almighty reigns in Zion, Jerusalem, before the elders with great glory. That is why Prophet Micah and the prophets spoke of her. Micah 4. For peace shall be their governor, and well-being will be their ruler.

Isaiah 24:15 also speaks of the Islands and the East, giving glory to the LORD. 'Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the East, and gather you from the West'. Isa 43:5. Isa 46:11.

In the NT, Jesus predicted, 'People will come from east and west, north and south, and will take their places in the kingdom of god'. Luke 13:29. The word translated as 'god' in the NT, is 'Theos' and it can mean 'god' or goddess', it is a word for the divine, and its divinities.

In England, there is a theatrical term, and it refers to seats that up the highest in the theatre, or cinema. They're the cheapest seats in the house, and when I was growing up, the poor referred to it, as 'being up in the gods'. Hence, the poor will take their places, and receive.



1 comment:

  1. News today there has been a 25 feet wide sink hole, in Magdalene Close, in Ripon, North Yorkshire. The Guardian report say that its the sixth sinkhole in the UK this year.
