
Monday 17 February 2014

Heart of Life

Pic courtesy of Wikipedia 
Just sharing. 
If they take my car,
I won't be able to go far, 
nor to the shire or the choir. 

Where I live, you have to have a car, 
for jobs, and to live. 

The little car has sentimental value, 
my mother willed it for me, 
to go to the sea-side, 
that she loved with all of her heart. 

When I saw it, 
I knew it was made for me. 
She was so happy with her gift,
when we were driving home together, 
forever, to be free. 

To drive with the wind in your hair, 
and the sun on your face,  
with your case. 

Would love take it from me? 
Would love take, 
what it is important and special to me?
Would love take what is essential to prosper,
and mobility?

Where is the love?
Did they find the key to their hearts?
Did they find the seat of mercy, 
and the justice seat. 
Lotus Feet. 

They actively ensured that Zion, 
became destitute. Why? She helped the outcasts.

Daughter Jerusalem, the 'immovable rock'. 
Heart and Spirit strong,
for the tender and gentle hearted. 

In the 60 years of life on the planet. 
So many times she picked herself up, 
dusted off her feet, and began 
all over again. 

Health hindered her due to what man did.  

Alas, she stayed strong for all the angels, 
in the will of the LORD. 

It served the purpose of man,
to break the holy saints, 
that weep for humanity. 
The empaths that feel 
what is coming upon the 
nations, due to what 
man does. 

She  'grieved' for the nations. 
And wept between the portal, 
and the altar. 

The LORD split the white stone 
in two. The water gushed out 
upon the nations. 

Still, they did not turn their hearts, 
to wisdom, and the love that can 
heal the world and its children. 
Still, they did not turn their hearts, 
to the will of the LORD. 
Now the tents of Joseph get 
washed away in the Atlantic ocean. 
Now there are 100 car pile ups in the USA. 

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