
Friday 3 January 2014


This video is about 'Australia's Teen Suicide Epidemic.' It was published on the 5th December, 2013.

The documentary is in response to the fact that there have been a string of suicides, one after another in the same community in Australia. What was happening with teenagers in Australia was first brought to my attention and focus in 1998-1999, when I was living there for a year. At that time, Australia and New Zealand had the third highest rate of 'youth suicide' in the world.

In response; I was given and entrusted with the divine mission for depressed and suicidal children, I did my best to raise money for healing domes for the children. Alas, the international community, and well known spiritual teachers around the world, didn't support the divine plan to help the children at that time.

As we can see from the documentary, since that time, the situation has now become an epidemic. I networked as much as I could, and also wrote articles about it. At the same time as Angels Healing Trust was being established, the Rev 12 timeline began for yours truly and the healing Angels. 

Last night there was also news in the UK, that the youth do not feel that they have anything to live for either. [1] Its a sad state of affairs, when government, academia and the corporations have co-created such a reality for the youth of today. A reality, where these young people cannot see a future for themselves on this planet.

Some medical professionals view 'suicide as a weakness', when in fact, it takes a lot of courage to take your own life. Sometimes people can get to the point whereby, enough, really is enough. They no longer wish to be part of what humanity are offering. Governments are not offering children what children require; in this fast moving transition from one age to another. 

As the BBC report shares with us, the unemployed children feel 'worthless' because the society that humanity has co-created does not value them highly enough to make them a priority. It doesn't seem to matter how many times you say, 'turn your hearts to the children', few have the ears to hear, the eyes to see, or the heart to comprehend the importance of that which I speak of and share. 

My heart goes out to the youth of today, even my son has been out of work for 50% of his working life. He is young, healthy and able bodied. Yet, attaining a job with employees, that value him, and his potential, has been beyond his reach to date. 

As I return to the local community, I can assure you that the teenagers, are a top priority. As I have written, it isn't just about jobs either, its about the 'social engineering' implemented by governments, and academia as well. Our children in the West, have many questions, who is giving them the upright responses that will help them to get on the upright track?

Sometimes these teenagers have questions that their parents have no responses to, so they seek amongst themselves in the social networks on the internet, for the comfort and understanding that they seek. 

When their friends are feeling the same way that they are, we know energetically, it can take children and adults on a 'downward' spiral. Its imperative that we help children to comprehend energy, how energy moves, and how to keep a balance in their views, how to move onwards and upwards. 

Teenagers require the utmost support during their most difficult years, in these last days of the end times. Many children feel 'alienated', in their communities and by governments, they require spiritual sustenance, a lot of loving, that only the healing angels can bring. 


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