
Friday 3 January 2014

Lotus Feet 2014

Well my sun sign is Aquarius, and Jonathan Cainer, shares with us that there have seven powerful alignments involving my ruling planet that began in 2012 and it continues until 2015. He shares that, this year I will be more willing to take a risk, and be brave and embrace opportunities that fulfill me deeply. [1]

I have a feeling that I know exactly what that is, and it is all to do with the divine plan. May the will of the LORD be done in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of the cosmos.

My ascendent sign is Sagittarius, and people are more actively the energy of their ascendent after the age of 40. Hence, my long distance traveling began after the age of 40. Jonathan shares with us that 2013 was about clarity on 'what works for you and what doesn't, much that has not been working for you until now either moves out of the your way, or really starts working'. [1] That makes a lot of sense.

The moon sign is Gemini, and I have the moon under my feet. Jonathan mentions the 'doors of 2014, you'll see they are portals to wonderful new realms.'  I do like being involved in the opening of portals.

'This is not a a promise that the whole year will be a rip-roaring success.' However, it speaks of a positive process, and a commitment to what really matters.  Indeed, the good deeds and causes.

2014 is a seven year, and it is also my life number, and the life number of Jesus, so you can be sure that whatever happens in 2014 will be related to the spiritual teacher, and the process of the spiritual teacher that is ordained.

The Jewish sages speak of seven in relation to the Zayin, and it was in 2005, another seven year when the 'woman of valor' had an article published on the 'Power of Seven', and did a radio interview on it in London.

Hence, a seven year has also been known to be good for publishing, and media coverage in a spiritual context for yours truly, in alternative media.  Publishing of articles, radio interviews, and returning to public speaking could certainly be in the timeframe this year. In 2013, the LORD said, 'They must hear your voice'.

I do have a few meetings arranged, so we will see what doors open in 2014, and who has the grace to open them for me. I do like a man that opens a door for me,  when I give him the key!

In the ancient pictographs, seven is the Zayin, and it looks like an agricultural implement, as such farming, and food will be at the forefront of the some of the aspects that will come into the spiritual  sphere of influence. Of course food is essential in more ways than one, and I am passionate about healing foods and creative recipes with food and nutrients, food that can aid the healing process. I do have a few projects that could be really good for helping the local community, I would just have to get the fund raising organized, to ensure that it can happen, in a way that is most healthy for people that are willing to engage in it.

What else do we have? We have the Chinese New Year on the horizon, once again it is an auspicious year for yours truly due to it being related to my physical birth on the planet. The Chinese Year of the Horse has historically been a very beneficial year for me, in more ways than one. Especially, in business, consultancy fee work, charity, and spirituality.

So the gallop this year could be extraordinary. 'Extraordinary women, do extraordinary things' says Lotus Feet, and miracles can abound. As the prophecies state, 'Wonders will astound them'. Isaiah 29.

Oh, I really like Chinese New Year, and this year it comes on 31st January, 2014. That will be a 417 vibration.  This year is also known as the 'WU' in China. International Business Times, say it is a good year for those that were born in it, as far as, romance and career being in harmony. [2] That sounds good, big smiles. Peace will be your governor, and well-being your ruler. Those born in the Chinese Year of the Horse, tend to be clever, good communication skills, cheerful, and can be stubborn. Why can they be stubborn?

Probably because those that were born in the year of the Horse that I was, also have their north node in Capricorn. So their soul journey really is the UNICORN. The horse with the horn, and they certainly have the ability to bring forth the magical qualities of others, when they appear on the scene.

Oh the unicorn, so blessed, so honorable in holiness. So pure in intention, of defending the tree of life.

No wonder it appeared before me, and worked with me on the spiritual journey. So blessed in its pure grace of being. Absolutely, heavenly, like the swan. When you are in the presence of the light of the divine unicorn, it makes you feel happy to be alive.

So when you ponder upon, 'stubborn', ponder upon how it relates to the horse. The horse stands upright in righteousness. Also it is a natural trait of Aquarians, and the Aquarian age. How would it be if I offered you a glass of water, then poured it all over you? Or a vase for your flowers? Wouldn't you like it to be upright, so that you can take it into your hands to hold it yourself?

Well that all looks very positive, and confirms a lot of what I know in my heart to be true.

So how about this 417 vibration? 417 is the gematria value of Buddhist and 'the Israelis'. That's sweet!

In my life cycle, I am also in year of six, the points of the star of david. It looks like an exciting year with a very special birthday as well.

While the planet is still in the Saturn in Scorpio transit, and I am on my second Saturn Return. Always remember that the Scorpio transit as a 'sting' in it. They can also be 'possessive', so keep an eye on that in friendships, family, relations, and business due to the planetary energies. Watch how others behave!

It is also a time of healing people who have any 'sexual issues' related to relationships or health.  Its a good time to help teenagers, and respond to all of their questions in your community. It is the children that really require our help now. So let us turn our hearts to the children in 2014, and make them number one priority. Its not just about what they eat and drink, its about how they dress, and what they carve their bodies with. The children are crying out for help, will you be there for them?



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