
Monday 16 December 2013

Switch is Off

The heavenly Father, said 'Switch is off'. He was right, the switch to the heating system is off. So I put the switch on. There is also a saying, 'the switch is off, and the light is on'. So what else do we have on the 'switch'? The word 'switch' is defined by the on-line dictionary as 'a slender flexible rod or stick. Especially one that can be used for whipping. As we know Omega was good at cracking the whip. 

As a phrasal verb, it can also mean 'to stop paying attention'. That would link in with the timeframe, and that attention is now being focussed in a different direction, for the next phase of the divine plan. 

Interesting that this soundtrack is by 'Redlight', and the other evening I was sharing on-line, how I came to find myself in Amsterdam when I was young.  I had to be rescued with my case, by a caring couple, because I wasn't aware that I was walking into a 'red light' district. I did make it safely to a hotel in the city of Holland. However, things didn't go quite to plan, due to the person that was meant to meet me at the airport not turning up. The German guy who worked in the fashion industry, was going to drive down from Dusseldorf to collect me, so that we could spend New Year together.

At New Year in those days, the Dutch all went to their families for an extended holiday, so most places were closed. Men can be strange sometimes, they can show an impressive interest in you for years, and then when you say yes, they're nowhere to be seen.  However, it was Christmas, late at night, there had been an office party, when the invitation was given.  There were no mobiles in those days, although people could leave a message at the airport if you or they were held up.

So I spent a week in Holland on my own. It looks like that 'Redlight', in Holland is going to be turned off as well. Can't have any of that going on in the new earth, now can we.   

As we know a 'red light' is also a stop sign, and that sign is clearly off. Its time to go.

There is a 'Student Switch Off', and that is a 'not-for-profit' campaign encouraging students to get involved in climate change. As we know when we 'switch' something off, we also turn off the power of something. There is a lot for young people to learn about energy, and the climate of their own beings.

There really is a lot to do, to get ready for this coming holiday period, and I am looking forward to 2014, and the next phase of the divine plan. I will carry on blogging, when I feel there is something worthy to share with readers of this blog.

Important aspects of the lyrics. 'Are we running out of time or out of space? Maybe further down the line we'll find our place'. 'Then switch it off again, its not too late'. 'I've got to stop the pieces from falling away'.

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