
Monday 16 December 2013


Last night the heavenly Father said, 'Felicity'. There were various saints with the name Felicity. There was 'Felicitas of Rome', a mother of seven sons that became martyrs, in the 2nd century. There was Felicity and Perpetua, Christian martyrs of the 3rd century. Also Felicitas of Padua in the ninth century, a nun in Padua. So many people martyred for what? The lives of so many people, what for? Rome and its empire? Yahweh did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for mercy.

Wiki source link shares with us that there is also 'Felicity',  a member of DC Comics. Omega Men, now known as Nebula.

There is a Felicity named location in California, Ohio, Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, there is an annual IT 'Felicity Festival', held in India.

The feminine name 'Felicity', means 'Great happiness; bliss'. An instance of great happiness. A cause or source of happiness. An appropriate and pleasing manner or style. Felicity, can also be due to the quality of expression, and the manner in which information is expressed.

So may all people communicate in a way that pleases the LORD. For the heavenly Father does see everything that is done, everything that is written in his name. When he is happy, he certainly lets you know that he is happy with you. He does not compliment you often. However, when he does, you know that he really means it. He doesn't throw his compliments around, he gives credit where credit is really due. Fingers crossed, that he is also pleased with the locations and activities that have the name 'Felicity', may it not be a testimony of warning, unless he ordains it as such.

The fact that the words 'Omega Men' are associated with the name of a character called 'Felicity', I feel that the message is a positive one for our on-line spiritual community. A bright powder blue light just appeared on my right hand, so yes, we're alright!

The heavenly Father said 'Your aim is perfect'. Aiming perfectly, is to do with the spiritual law of the cosmos and it does link in with Job 39 and Psalm 91. When your aim is perfect, it hits the target audience where it is meant to be reached.

In the book of Corinthians we find these words. 'An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs. Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world, and how she can please her husband'. 1 Corinthians 7:34

Psalm 21 shares with us that 'they cannot succeed.' 'You will make them turn their backs, when you aim at them with drawn bow. Be exalted in your strength LORD, we will sing and praise your might.

Big smiles!

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