
Saturday 14 December 2013


After I wrote 'Drugs or America, what do you choose?. This is the sober decade, it will take your utmost attention and all of your pure intention.

The heavenly Father said, 'HABIT', and words have many meanings. For instance the word 'Habit' as at least six different meanings in English. As a verb it can mean 'To clothe', and one does not usually associate the word with outward appearance, attire or dress. I did wonder how what a nun wears came to be called a 'Habit' and there are also 'riding habits'.  The word can be found in botany, to do with a form of growth or appearance.

The word 'habit', appears in the book of Hebrews and it has a completely different context.

'And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching'. Hebrews 10:24-27.

The original word 'eaqov', transliterated as 'ETHOS'. Greek Strongs number 1485. Definitions provided mean 'Customs', 'Prescribed by Law', 'Description', 'Rite'. In Hebrew, the word can mean 'to push', 'to thrust', 'to gore', 'collide', and it is translated differently in different texts. In Psalm 44:5 the following context is given'.

'Through you we will push back our adversaries; through your name we will trample down does those that rise up against us'. Psalm 44:5.

Your right hand, and your arm and the light of your presence. For you favored them. How did the LORD favor them? He sent his favored one to help many nations.

Then the next day the heavenly Father said 'Customs', and it was added to the 'Snow Israel 2013' post. [2] I asked Israel, about their 'Customs', and if their customs will defend them like the shield of faithfulness defends them. Do the Angels cover them in feathers, like the RAB covered his children in feather duvets, to keep them snug and warm in the wintertime.

Pictures of Egypt are also being posted on the internet, specifically the pyramids in Cairo that are covered in snow.

So I say the same to you Egypt, do your customs defend you like the shield of faithfulness? Do the Angels cover you in feathers, like the Native Americans, Mayans and Africans were covered in feathers? Does the heavenly Father send you Native American spirit guides to teach you spiritual discipline? Did he you send you his Son to help you Egypt? Did he send Joseph to ensure that you did not die due to the famine that Joseph knew was coming?

Do you remember when the shield of faithfulness defended you, and your children Egypt? Do you remember when the children of the world supported the uprising of the Egyptian people in 2011?

Did you know that it was a biblical prophecy, that the LORD would create it as testimony for Joseph? Did you know that the flame of Joseph is here as predicted 1,000's of years ago? Or are you too busy with your customs that have become a habit? I recommend that you read Psalm 91, for the time is at hand, the time is nigh.

The nations have no choice but to heal, and the prophecies predict that peace will be your governor, just like Joseph was your governor, and well-being will be your ruler.  When I speak of peace, I do not speak of peace in terms of peace agreements between governments. I speak of peace in terms of wholeness, the root word of the word translated as peace. It takes wholeness to attain peace in the being of the nations.

I speak of peace in terms of the peace that the soul requires to reach its fullest potential. I speak of a peace of the everlasting covenant, that was delivered for the children in 2007.  It supports the UN Rights of the Child, and that every child has the right to be involved in every decision that impacts on them. Nothing must be done to a child without their consent. So if a baby does not wish to wear a habit then you must not force that baby to wear one. If a child does not wish to eat, do not force that child to eat. Children are very intuitive, they know what is good for them when they are allowed to grow organically.

Why do you think that there is so much deafness in the Middle East? Is it due to your customs and habits Egypt? Why are there 85,000 dwarfs in Egypt? Is it due to the interbreeding in families down the generations? As the book of Exodus predicted, the deeds of the Fathers impacts on the next 3-4 generations.

So what is your ethos? Is it good and healthy for your children and your nation? What is the character of your nation? How about its Spirit, and Soul? Is it healthy? Is it in well-being, wholeness and peace?

Was I faithful to you? Did I do my utmost to shield you, in the name of the LORD? Did I come to Cairo, did I go to the pyramids, did I travel from Luxor to Aswan? Did these Lotus Feet bless the land of Egypt, and help to bring forth the flame of love and truth? Did I bless your children, your tourism, and your home Egypt? Was I faithful to your loving kindness shown to the shield of faithfulness Egypt? Did the LORD God of Israel favor you, not once, but twice in recent decades?



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