
Saturday 14 December 2013


Following on from the "Brahmin and Sharif' post, and the snow covering the pyramids in Cairo. This post is a follow-up to what the heavenly Father said last week when he asked for 'Curry and Fruit'. See also the 'Lotus Chicken Sate' recipe on this blog.

It was back in 2002, while facilitating a group workshop on the 2nd February, 2002,  that I was taken back to Egypt in ancient times, and shown the importance of the spices. That they were used for healing purposes through smell. People would sniff them, like animals sniff the vibrational and therapeutic qualities of aromatherapy oils. A member of the group kept all of the information, and that is why the information that was received at that time, has not been shared with humanity. I have asked for the information to be returned to me, so that the notes that the person took can be typed up and distributed.

The word 'curry' was the name given to various Indian dishes by the colonials to label specific foods. When in fact, what we're really talking about is dishes that have a sauce with spices. Hence, a curry is not Indian specific and you can find food cooked in spices in many lands. Although I read that it was introduced to Japan by the colonials.

I have eaten spices since a teenager, and enjoy Indian food and recipes very much. Although I also like to develop my own healing recipes as well for specific systems in the body.

The spices have many health and healing benefits and it is written that a key ingredient of curries could help prevent certain diseases, including colon cancer and Alzheimer's Disease.

'Researchers at the oncology department of Leicester University noticed that, out of 500 patients diagnosed with colon cancer, only two were Asian, despite 20% of the city's population being Asian.

They believe that the secret of the Asian community's ability to resist cancer lies in the spice curcumin, which is frequently used in curry cooking.'  [2] 

I would like to do a research project with people that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and will look at that possibility in 2014. As always, funding is required to do the research, and implement a recovery proposal with a group that are willing to participate. So if the LORD ordains for me to carry out this project, it shall come to be in his will and with his blessing. 

'A team from the University of California at Los Angeles believes that turmeric may play a role in slowing down the progression of the neurodegenerative disease.

The finding may help to explain why rates of Alzheimer's are much lower among the elderly in India than in their Western peers.

Previous studies have found that Alzheimer's affects just 1% of people over the age of 65 living in some Indian villages.' [3] 

The heavenly Father said 'Vit C'. That links us to the fruit and the importance of it. Of course, poor families in this nation find it hard to afford the right fruit, at the right times in their lives for healthy reasons. Hence the poorest of our nations are suffering, and becoming ill, due to nutritional deficiencies that is provided in the food to our nations.

I am now going to make a fish curry with fruit. I have some oranges and pineapple left over.




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