
Friday 8 November 2013


Well there have been a few posts on this blog to do with Malaysia and Asia-Pacifica in recent months. See previous link for details. [1] In addition to posts on the hybrid solar eclipse energies, nature and ELOKIM.

Here is the painting that came in for Malaysia that was posted at the time.

Today there is news of a super typhoon category 5 storm that is sweeping the Philippines. Known as typhoon Haiyan. In the Philippines it is called 'Yolanda'. [2] It is written that the name 'Yolanda' is of Greek origin but can be found in many languages. It means 'Violet' as you can see that color is in the painting above. Its also a spiritual color and it relates to the spiritual law and its orchids. Orchids are for healing purposes and vibrational medicine. Their pure essence is medicinal. However, we can see what has been taking place in Malaysia due to what the painting shows us. Every time the USA and its associates try to 'defeat' the orchids of the LORD, the spiritual law manifests in nature.

The people of Malaysia have a strong connection with the original spirituality of Japan, and other parts of the far East.

There has been another gateway opening in India in recent days, so I am not surprised at all by the 'Yolanda'.




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