
Friday 8 November 2013


Following on from the 'Voyage Mandala', [1] that mentioned 'Genetics', that then takes us to 'Beyond the Genome'. The USA spent a fortune on the 'Human Genome Project', and it proved that the scientists knew very little after all.

During my own journey of self-healing and the divine healing methodologies given to help others. I was introduced to Dr Ursula Anderson, and her work. Her work resonated completely with my own and so did the work of Dr Bruce Lipton when I was introduced to him and his work that is also 'Beyond the Genome' project. We have been truly blessed with wonderful people that have dedicated their lives to transforming humanity, their world views and paradigm to benefit individuals, people and their children.

Dr Anderson asks that we put 'Memories and Consciousness into the context of the environment'. We know for a fact that the environment impacts on consciousness, and that is another reason why righteousness is so against the British government and what it is doing to the people with the 'bedroom tax', and 'austerity measures'.

Anderson also wrote about the 'Hills and Valleys of Stress and Soul Trauma', [2] I wrote a book about it prior to the 'Human Genome Project' being completed and the manuscript was written whilst I was in Australia in 1998-9. It explained the conclusions that I had shared with clients in the previous decades, and it was clients that asked me to write that book for them. They asked me to write the information down, so it was really written for them. Although writing it was also a healing journey and a transformative time. On the return to the UK I began to share about 'Transcension' and the power of that.

Its no surprise then that today when I accessed my emails, there was one from the USA. The email had a picture of a little child praying, and it was asking for the Lord to return to Australia to bless it again.

'Lord I'm asking you to come back and re-bless Australia. We really need you! There are more of us who want you than those who don’t!   Thank You Lord, I Love you.'  

I would love to return to Australia to bless it again, if I could afford to do so. After all that is where the mission of compassion for the children and the healing domes began. That is when the mission with the children was divinely given.

Then there was an email from an Indian Dr, and Universal Peace Ambassador with a poem for the children for Children's Day'. November 21st, 2013.

I responded as follows: My design and implementation of the 'New Empowerment model' over a decade ago, provided important research, it proved that to help the children, you have to help the parents. Dr Ursula Anderson also found this to be true. The extent of the children's suffering, is determined by the amount the parents suffer. 

Wisdom is proven right by her words and deeds. 

So it is; that everyone has to align their will with the divine plan to give access to poor parents and co-create healing domes, CM centres and retreats around the world without cost. The love provided by complimentary medicine and its healers must be made available to everyone. To raise the vibration of the planet, you have to raise the vibration of the people. That is the only way that you can help the children in this timeline. 

Jesus also taught that the great healing work must be given for free and the rich that are worthy must fund people like myself to do the great divine work. 

If they do not do so, the judgement will come upon every town, city and nation of the world. For it is written and it is truth. As we know, the USA is already experiencing that due to the judgement being upon its nation. Especially in Chicago, that had plenty of opportunities to make the shift. 

Love beyond measure 

As the LORD said 'ELOKIM' 

I also received an email from a Rabbi in the USA talking about the 'revolution', he got the same response as 'Russell Brand'. When will they get it that they have to align their will with the divine plan? This is about 'Emotive Social Evolution', that was predicted over a decade ago by yours truly.

'Energizing People to Innovate Change'. 

It is a totally new spiritual and scientific paradigm. As the prophecies predicted, they will walk new paths that they have not walked before. That certainly came to be in the 20th century and it is still taking place as more of the old paradigm is being swept away. I smiled when I noticed that they have found a new ligament in the knees.




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