
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Moshiach and Marketing

While writing the last post on the 'Autumn Rains', the LORD said 'Elokim'. Then I was led to Chabad's website and what do I find? The Rabbi talking about the Moshiach and Marketing'. It did make me smile.

'The first thing Moshiach does is do away with bad marketing. That's the true villain that has held us back all these years.' [1] 

It made me smile due to the fact that my first career was in Marketing. When I was sent to help the spiritual community in the Galilee of the Gentiles, my first mission at that time was to help them to become more professional in the marketing of their products and services. In fact, I did the Marketing and PR for Mind, Body and Soul Exhibitions, as well as individuals. I also looked at quality and standards. 

In 2010, I was led to see that Michelangelo did the Jesse fresco of me, and he put me in an arch frame. When I was running my own marketing business, I had a client with an arch frame product. My career in marketing, and a specific client at that time, provides us with the proof of what the Michelangelo fresco is about. It also provides the evidence that I am telling the truth. Yes, I did keep some of my portfolio, it proves that I am, who I say, that I am. 

This fresco is in the Sistine Chapel, and this is what it looked like prior to the Vatican refurbishing it. 

You will see that in this fresco my eyes are open. Now look at what is under my feet? It looks like wood. Well in that timeline, I won the account for the arch frames against four other companies. One of those companies had the name 'Wood' in it. No wonder the heavenly Father said 'Tap on Wood'. Big smiles! 


The client was given completely new packaging and it transformed the D.I.Y. market in Europe. We gave them a new corporate identity, PR and advertising campaigns. Everything that I recommended, was based upon sound marketing principles; and integrated campaigns to achieve results. Of course I had done my research first, and it had to be done very quickly. 

The most amazing thing about that account win, was that I had two weeks to come up with the goods, and everyone else had a month.  I didn't present any creative work at the new business presentation, I provided a document explaining why things had to change; and the reasons for it. What my company would do to produce good results; and how much it would cost to do it. I did not give the client what the client asked for, I gave the client what would work and be successful. 

It was the insights of wisdom that won that account. That is why in Rev 13, it calls for wisdom and insight. Wisdom has to be in your sight to help others to be successful. Wisdom has insight that counteracts those that stand against it. In wisdom there is prudence, I didn't splash out spending loads on presentations to impress or show how creative I was. 

I was prudent, and gave them what was essential. The woman of noble character was worth more than rubies, there she stood in integrity, and shared the truth of the matter in hand. It was the insights gained that had the WOW factor, the creative implementation was the follow through.  I shared with them facts about their products, company and markets that they did not know themselves. 

They had paid for research prior to giving me their account. However, the research that they had, hadn't provided them with the very basics of market intelligence. I was able to provide that market intelligence because I had done my homework, and I asked the right questions of the right people. I did not hire a research company to do the work for me, I did the research myself, because I knew what I was looking for. I had to ask the questions based upon my own experience of success. 

You will see that in the Jesse fresco Michelangelo painted my legs like elephant trunks, and he would have been perfectly aware that the elephant is to do with spiritual wisdom, and its insights. She walked the walk, and talked the talk, the elephant as right of way! 

You will see that there is a man behind me as well in the fresco. If you enlarge the picture, then you will also see a baby in it as well. Although in the refurbishment they removed the baby and closed my eyes. As if, they could ever really do that. Big smiles. However, the baby appears with me in the ELIAKIM fresco that is also in the Sistine Chapel. In that fresco I have my back to the orthodox man. 

After the account was won, and the proposals agreed. The creative implementation then took place. On the new packaging you can see the new company corporate identity as well. The name of the designer of this packaging that worked for my company, was Neil, although I can't remember his surname.  Its a long time ago now, this was over 20 years ago. This design truly is a classic, and has stood the test of time. Just as I knew that it would. It looks as beautiful and as fresh today, as it did 20 years ago. 

At  that time, I worked with two different Davids on different accounts. They were both Creative Directors who had also worked in London Advertising Agencies. I also worked with other designers who followed the brief that I gave them. I enjoyed my time working professionally in marketing, we did some great creative work together. Our clients also enjoyed success; due to the work that was provided. A friend of mine often asks me to reconnect with my previous clients before they retire. 

It was in 2000, that I was commanded to cut my hair short and I was shown exactly how my hair had to be in that timeline. Like Julie Andrews from the Sound of Music. Hence the photograph on this blog matches the hair cut in the fresco. 

The other interesting aspect of the fresco is that when I was photographed at the gathering in Israel, in May 2006, I was sitting in exactly the same position as in the fresco. Although my hair was longer again, because I like to wear it up to give the hair height. It was only after the LORD revealed the fresco to me, that I realized why he asked for my hair to be cut short in that timeline. 

That photograph was taken by a professional photographer, he did a lot of work for me when I ran my own marketing companies. It was also the photograph that was on my first website in 2000. 

As the LORD said, 'By the time they find out what we have done, it will be too late for them to change it'. 


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