
Tuesday 22 October 2013

Autumn Rains

As you know the heavenly Father spoke of 'Ukalif' posted on this blog the other day. In the song sung by Noel Harrison, 'Windmills of your Mind',  it included the words 'Autumn leaves turning to the color of Her Hair'. [1] In the biblical prophecies the leaves are for healing the nations.

There is a flower called 'Autumn Leaves' and as a flower essence it is for 'Transition'. Sun Essences wrote: 'The colors of autumn are mixed together to a natural Earth Essence that re-connects you with nature and the ever-changing patterns of life. Today, people find themselves living many different lifetimes within one. Dying and being reborn like the cycles of nature. This can be a very difficult process. Autumn leaves are supportive when growing though profound personal change'. 

Prophet Joel delivered this message: 'Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice in the LORD your elohiym, for he has given you the autumn rains because he is faithful. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. Joel 2:23

Apostle James also spoke of these rains and how the farmer waits for the yield of his valuable crop. He spoke of the patience that is required, and 'Patience of a Saint' is definitely a virtue for people to reach the full spiritual potential. It is also a powerful initiation on the rite of passage. It requires peace in the being, and it takes patience to attain true peace that comes from shalom healing. Some people are born with patience; and they are very fortunate to be so, because the spiritual journey is easier for us when we were born with it. However, the patience of our Saints can be tested many times, by many different people at different times.

Especially at times like this; during the greatest transition that humanity has ever known.

If you have truly walked the walk, then you have your boundaries in place, and you know when a person has a true humble heart, and when they don't. You know when a person has true humility as well for they are different.  You know when a person is coming from pure intention and pure love.

It is usually the case that the LORD sends me in as a last resort; to help others to make a breakthrough. While I am writing this, I am receiving numerous texts from a person that is required to make a breakthrough. I shall not respond to his last text, it is up to him to come to the conclusion of why he has to align his will with divine will.

The other day a woman was sharing how the 'Soul yearns' when it has reincarnated for its reason for being. Due to a couple being brought together for their souls to be united for their mission together. I agree with her, and her new partner that it was agreed pre-destination.

Sometimes we also agree to be the healers for other healers, at a time when they most require it. The healing Angels help the people, and the Saints help the healing Angels to become the saints that they were born to become.

We find the mention of a 'Soul yearns' in Psalm 84. In the Psalm it speaks of a soul yearning for the courts of the LORD, and that is in reference to the divine court where justice can be found. Many souls yearned for her to come, and many prayed to the LORD. Scripture tells you that even Jesus prayed to the heavenly Father to send her. He predicted the exact age of the summoning, and what age it would be when the work came to an end.  The heavenly Father spoke and said 'Elokim'.

When the LORD Almighty is in his dwelling place that is when the divine court is here. 'They go from strength to strength until each appears before elohiym in Zion. At the end of the psalm, it is written,  'LORD Almighty blessed is the one that trusts in you'. That then brings us back to the post on holy ground, and the heavenly Father said 'They have stepped on holy ground'.

Blessings in abundance



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