
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Spiritual Levitation

While I was responding yesterday the heavenly Father said 'Patah', a Hebrew word that can mean 'entice' or 'persuade' or 'seduce. The word is most often related to Prophet Jeremiah due to what he experienced, when he did his utmost to speak the truth. Jeremiah complained to Yahweh who formed him from the womb for the task. In the legend many people died because they did not believe Jeremiah. Here we are again, the USA is ready to go to war against Syria backed by the Arab league.


Its amazing how that scan as a cross upon it, for there is no cross on the painting itself. 

A patah is also a symbol in Hebrew, a line under a letter. As such, it can mean put a line under it. In my experience when you are asked to put a line under it, it means that you are being moved on. I then received an email telling me that a person was leaving, it was divine providence due to the heavenly Father already saying 'Patah'. I shared with him, that I was not staying for much longer.

Then during the night I had a dream. In the dream there were two people with me where I live. One of them was Adam, in the dream I was telling him that 'they didn't believe me', then suddenly I was in the hallway, and I was being levitated up.

There I was floating in the air calling out to Adam, to show him what happens to me. He was very surprised by what he saw and he did not know what to say. Then the heavenly Father took me into my bedroom and he laid his giant hand on my back. It was to demonstrate that I am under his hand, his care, and his healing hand is good for my back. Then the experience ended, and I drifted off back to sleep.

This is not the first time that I have experienced levitation in dream state. It happened once before when the newspaper reporters came and I levitated up away from them. After that dream, I met two newspaper reporters at a party, in the same place where the dream took place. The female reporter triggered when I mentioned a book that I had begun to write. In that dream my friend swore at me; and asked me to come down, and I refused to do so. I did not wish to a part of their reality. I saw her son on Monday and he immediately came to kiss me. I held that baby in my arms from birth, the same with his brothers. We love each other, and they know that I always hold them in my heart. I weep for the children of our nations as I write this.


Its happened again with this scan. 

When the Spirit of the LORD is upon you, he has total control of your instrument, and there is nothing that you can do about it.

So those of the earth chose war instead of the will of the heavenly Father, they would rather die than do his will. They would rather drink beer, pay high taxes till the day that they die. The Brits are saying, 'We are lucky, we don't live in Syria', when you try to speak to them about social justice issues and the state of our nation.


After this painting came in the heavenly Father said 'They shall burn'.
He was talking about the Churches.

The other day he said 'Those that have helped humanity will be safe'.

As we know, the sceptre left Judah when shiloh come and Prophet Isaiah predicted that the children would come with signs and symbols and that it would be a sign for Israel.


So I shall continue to paint, to write, to record my divine experiences, and do the will of the heavenly Father. Yesterday, a young African was brought to my door, he was creating awareness for the Royal Society for the Blind. I shared with him about Reiki and how a Reiki Master Teacher taught a blind man how to do Reiki, how he taught him the symbols, so that he could become a practitioner thereof. How he enjoyed divine spiritual experiences; and how he had been able to see with this third eye.

The young African that had recently moved to the area, felt blessed by what I had shared with him. He said that he would go on a training course and find out more about it. So it is, the LORD brings the good to my door.

Patah is a Hebrew vowel, it is pronounced with the letter 'Chet' at the end.  Chet reminds me of the Chet visions and messages that were received in 2009. There was so much of it, it was delivered in two parts and can be found on the old blog.

In this link it shares with you more about the 'Patah', and the example of makom is given. [2] Of course makom relates to my name in Hebrew.

Levitation is a spiritual experience that can take place in the power of the LORD, it is a sign that you are going up, leaving earthly realities behind, for judgement is upon the earth.  Some beautiful paintings came in last night, I will upload them on this post.

Love beyond measure




1 comment:

  1. This link from the Rabbi says that if Adam had withstood the trial, he would have become Mashiach. It also says that it is possible to bring Mashiach into the air of one's home. Shalom should reside in the air of the home. One should breath the peace and bliss of the home.
