
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Message for the British Army

British soldier killed after Mont Blanc plunge.

'An off-duty British soldier has died after falling 1,000 metres (3,280ft) while climbing in the Italian Alps, according to reports.

The 30-year-old man fell from a cliff on Mont Blanc, according to Italian news agency Ansa.

He reportedly began his ascent on the French side of the mountain but fell on the Italian side while descending. Italian police have confirmed that a climber died this morning. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has confirmed that a British man has died.

A spokesman said: "We were made aware of the death of a British national in Italy on 28 August.'

The numeric of 1,000 is to do with the one that wears the coat of many colors. Mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The flame of Joseph mentioned in the bible that lives on the land of Joseph.  

The man that died was just was 30 years old. 30 is to do with the spiritual law in the NT. They reap what they sow. What they give comes back to them 30, 60 or 100 fold, that is the spiritual law of cause and effect. So the off-duty soldier as been employed by those that take the lives of others, now his life has been taken. However, when the flame of Joseph appears it comes back to them 1,000 fold. Hence, the height that the soldier fell. Yesterday, I posted a song, 'If I fell', by the Beatles.

Do you get it yet? Will you condone what the British Army are doing, or its government that takes your money to pay for war against other nations without your consent?

The 28th of August was the 'Day of Language' e.g. communication and that relates to British surveillance of the people that Edward Snowden revealed. 

The other day the LORD said 'Those that have helped humanity will be safe'. 

As we know, the sceptre left Judah when shiloh come and Prophet Isaiah predicted 
that the children would come with signs and symbols; and that it would be a sign for Israel.

The branch of righteousness did come for David, exactly as Prophet Jeremiah predicted. The LORD offered David and the rest of humanity the branch in the Springtime. The Ace card, when Israel was becoming tender. It signified new beginnings and fresh opportunities. The old heaven and earth is passing away for daughter Jerusalem arrived in perfect timing. Micah 4. 

ELI Ziyyon arrived, as such the British Army are to lay down their weapons as the prophecy predicts, if they do not, then they will face the consequences for not doing so. As the LORD said 'Do or Die'. 


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