
Monday 5 August 2013


This video was uploaded by a Christian and he referred to it as God's wrath'. It includes the environmental events that too place during July around the world.It also includes what happened St Rose of Lima Catholic Church that was damaged by the hail. You may remember this painting from earlier in the year.

'Some of the original stained glass windows, dating back about 100 years, at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church were damaged by the hail.'

100 is to do with the spiritual law of giving. Reaping what they sow.

In 2010 the heavenly Father spoke of 'LIMA'. 

Lima Church = Opus Dei

Is the Lima Church and Opus Dei speaking the truth?

Was Mary, daughter Zion?


How do we know that?

Micah 4 is about the last days of the end times, and it describes how the LORD sent his daughter on a mission to the USA. That took place in 2008, and that is when the Philadelphia Prince of Peace burnt to the ground. The scriptures warned them that if they built upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials, then those buildings would burn in the flames.  So what do they do? They rebuild them again, hello, knock, knock, is there anyone in there? As the heavenly Father said 'TAP ON WOOD'.

Do you remember the 'Wooden Tops?'. A big message there!

The truth saves lives. As blue as the cornflower, as bright as the sapphire, the flame of truth.

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