
Monday 5 August 2013


On Sunday at 06.25am I shared how 'Jesus understood the conspiracy' and these words.

'Who were taxing the people at that time? The Romans. In Egypt the Greco-Roman era is also well known. The Greeks started the first banks in Egypt, business in ancient Israel 2,000 years ago was also mainly conducted in Greek due to its close proximity to Egypt. In fact, there was also a time when Israel was being taxed by Egypt and was part of the Egyptian empire. 

Jesus predicted that the original landowner would come back. Of course, Jesus would say that being Jewish, standing with the Jewish people against the Romans. So who were those people in the temple? Who were those priests? The prediction of Jesus combined with historical fact, explains the mystery of the conspiracy.'  

This video was also posted. 'The Last Time I Cried' and it was a given as a reason for the life of Jesus. 

While I was listening to the song in the video something wonderful happened and this is what I wrote: 

'After this an incredible light from the sun appeared on the wall on my right. It is 36m tall flame and the top of it looks like a burning flame.

The sun came through the window exactly when I was listening to the video.

Now the flame is getting smaller and thiner and it has a bar across it near the top. Now it is much taller again and flickering upwards.

It now looks like when the crack of a door has opened and the light is coming through.

His flame of love is burning brightly as the sun, and he is never far away.

His hope, his dream for humanity.

Keep his flame of love burning brightly.

Keep his flame of love flickering in your hearts.

Forget him not, for he loves you beyond measure.
He did it all for you. He did it for love.'  

It is now Monday in the UK, and there is news of a man that was saved by the bar in a theatre at the end of a 'Derren Brown' show. 

He wrote on Facebook: "Tonight a woman pushed her hubby as a joke from the front of the balcony. He fell and caught the upper circle on the way down, and was hanging from it. He's fine, but what a finale. Sending best thoughts to him & wife, terrifying."

Another eye witness, Rob Millwood, told The Sun: "He hit the lights and grabbed the bar with one arm. Three or four guys ran down the steps and pulled him back.[1]

Now Prophet Isaiah said that the 'steps' where a sign. 

What else do we have on the bar?

In February 2012, the LORD spoke about the bar, and he said 'You have raised the bar now'.

BAR in Hebrew means 'threshed grain or corn' from 'to purify', 'to select'. it can also mean 'pure and clean'. 'Set-apart'. It can refer to a Son or a Daughter. As such Bar Abba is Son of Abba, Son of the Father, or Daughter of the Father.

The man at the theatre was fortunate to receive the help that he did. For surely, it was divine providence and the will of the heavenly Father. Did Derren Brown view it as so? He will reap what he sows. For the man was saved by the bar and not by Derren Brown. What an end to his show!

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