
Friday, 19 July 2013

Vatican the 'Sympathy Vote'

Yahweh spoke earlier today, mentioned in the 'Harry and Ted' post. The 22nd of July is the 'Day of Fluctuation' and it is the day that the Pope arrives in Brazil. They're anticipating a million people to turn up for mass on Tuesday and my recommendation is stay away. Yahweh also mentioned the 'Juke Box' the other day and I advised people to stay away from that as well.

The term 'Juke Box', came into use during the 1940's in America, and came from the usage of 'Juke Joint', its derived from a 'Gullah' word 'juke', or 'joog' and it means 'disorderly, rowdy, or wicked'. [4]
Apparently, Gullah is also called a 'language that people cry in'.

We all know what happened the last time there was a Vatican youth event. 'The legs of the youth were broken in the crush of people.'  Brazil are already issuing warnings because protests are planned. [1]

The heavenly Father is talking about the 'Sympathy Vote', so you can anticipate some events to endear the people to 'earthly realities' that the Vatican stands for. This tells us that the Vatican plan to come out smelling of roses because there is a 'sympathy vote'.

Urban dictionary describe it as 'He may be crap, but he will win on the sympathy vote'. One can view that as the reason why he was elected, 'sympathy for the poverty' in South America endeared the people to a Pope that came from their region. A very carefully 'socially engineered strategy' from the Vatican, implemented with the name of St Francis.

The Vatican do have people trained in PR and marketing, they've done their research, they do know what the people are asking for, and the people they represent are like 'lambs to the slaughter'.

So for instance, Imran Khan got the 'sympathy vote' in Pakistan when he fractured his spine'. [3] US politicians are also well known for it, remember Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden? Obama also got elected on the 'Sympathy Vote'. Watch this space, they view it as a window of opportunity to gain maximum benefit from a stronghold of 165 million Catholics in Brazil.

When I found myself in a stronghold of the American orthodox Christian 'Rick Warren', I simply raised my arm to him, and his soul was sucked out of my space, like being sucked out of the door of a plane.

A lot is 'fluctuating', especially in the Americas and I have had a foreboding feeling in recent days, a deep 'inconsolable sadness', like humanity is on the brink of crying its heart out.





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