
Friday, 19 July 2013

Beaver 500 Year Prophecy

The Telegraph report that the natural beaver has been discovered in Devon, England for the first time in 500 years. Apparently, beavers in England where hunted to extinction during the reign of Henry VIII. [1] So it is with joy that they have returned to their natural habitat.

No surprise then that there is a 'Beaver Prophecy' in English literature and the prophecy mentions the coronation of four children that become new kings and queens in Narnia. The prophecy about the Golden Age mentions Adam returning to 'Caire Paravel'. [2] How funny then, that I had a dream about Adam recently, and I made a post about it at the time explaining the biblical prophecy.

Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about 500 years. C3.Q94

For five hundred years more one will keep count of him.
Who was the ornament of his time.
Then suddenly great light will he give.
He who for this century will render them very satisfied. [3]

The heavenly Father said 'Embrace it'.

The beaver returning to England, reminds me of the message from Jesus when he said 'It will begin as it ended in ancient times'.




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