
Monday 29 April 2013

Water Up the Nose

I have received water up the nose again, and the last time that I had water up the nose was just before the Lion plane went down in the water in Bali close to the airport. I shared that I would make a post on the Bush painting and how it applies to scripture. Moses asked for a blessing to be given to the family/tribe of Joseph, and it is clear that it was handed down orally until it was written down. How do we know that? At the end of the Torah it is clear that Moses did not write the Torah. However, that does not mean that he did not give it content.

The blessing for Joseph was as follows: 'And of Joseph he said: Blessed of the LORD be his land. With the bounty of the dews from heaven. And of the deep that couches below; with the bounteous yield of the suns, with the bounteous crop of the moons. With the best from the ancient mountains, and the bounty of hills immemorial. With the bounty of the earth and its fulness, and the favor of the Presence in the Bush. May these rest on the head of Joseph, on the crown of the elect of his brothers. Like a firstling bull into majesty, he has horns like the horns of a wild ox. With them he gores the peoples, the ends of the earth one and all. These are the myriads of Ephraim. Deuteronomy, 33:13-17. 

When I was in Israel the LORD shouted out to me 'Ben Ami' and 'Reuben' and it means 'Son of my people, 'Behold a Son'. The blessing of Moses upon Reuben was 'May Reuben live and not die, though few be his numbers'. On that mission, only one man came to join me for the ceremony at the Lion's gateway and the Mercy gate, an Israeli musician and peacemaker from the land of Jacob. I also spent some time with a lady in Safed, Northern Israel, who worked in publishing translating spiritual texts into Hebrew.

The number associated with Joseph, coat of many colors in the Dead Sea Scrolls is a 1,000. It states that only one in a thousand can stand before Joseph in integrity. So here we are, carry on, we continue with the outpouring of the Spirit upon humanity. Today, I was sharing with orthodox Christians how important it is that they engage and get on the spiritual path of healing. For it is the will of the LORD  for all the nations to heal. Hosea 6:6 also asks for mercy and acknowledgement of elohyim.

There is also an ancient Christian text, the very oldest, and the scholars claim that the didache states that Jesus said that when they receive an Apostle, they must receive them as a Lord. The question for humanity is how do they tell the difference in who his true Apostles are? Well for one you can ask them if they hold the keys to the kingdom that he promised to give to them. They are also mystical healers of consciousness.

The blessing of the bush is on the head of Joseph and the one that is like Moses has the skin disease on the sides of their head and on their right arm. The Jewish sages know about the skin disease on the side of the head. However, I have not seen them write about the skin disease on the right arm. Of course, to be like Moses, the Moshiach has to have the skin disease to fit the criteria of the biblical prophecy.

Buddhists in China also burn their heads and arms, so you can be sure that it is related to the ancient prophecies about the one that would come. Surah 44 also mentions the honorable Apostle that would come at night time, and it is a prophecy about the last days of the end times. The prophecy certainly gives the people a clue to their name. Surah 36 tells us that they appointed mansions for her. However, what use are they to me? How will the mansions help the poor?

Have you all had enough yet?

1 comment:

  1. Another plane as gone down,this time in Afghanistan.
