
Monday 29 April 2013

Millennium Prophecies - Earth Under Water

The changes that have taken place on this planet since I arrived in the 1950's have been immense. Today, there has been a release on a study that was published in the Journal Nature Genetics. Lead author, Dr Olivo Miotto, of the University of Oxford and Mahidol University in Thailand, said 'All the most effective drugs that we have had in the last few decades have been one-by-one rendered useless'.

They do not understand why, since the 1950's parasites have developed a resistance to a succession of malaria drugs. The issue has spread across parts of Asia and Africa. [1]

These paintings came to be this morning after I had the energetic water up the nose. It looks like two people in the painting.


Some of the colours in the painting remind me of this painting that came to be around January time. It was done for an American woman for a thread called 'Green'. Again, the bird in the painting is going down.

Then there is this TV documentary from the BBC and it is called 'Earth Under Water', it was uploaded in January 2013. There is a lot of information in this video about the USA although it does speak of other parts of the world including the UK and Asia.

In the 90's I presented 'Millennium Prophecies' at Mind, Body and Spirit exhibitions in the UK. During those lectures I presented some prophecies that I had received. The prophecies included that '1/3 of the world's population will cease to walk the earth. Stay away from the coastlines, these will be taken  by the sea'. The documentary above, shows us how close humanity is to those prophecies coming true.


This painting also came to be this morning. 

I also asked the orthodox Christians to read the prophecy of Prophet Obadiah that is also about the USA. The Jewish sages know that it is only Joseph that can help Esau in this timeline. I have experienced and been shown that the Christian orthodox; are reluctant to put the effort into stepping on to the spiritual path of healing consciousness. I asked them what is greater? To learn how to play golf, or to learn how to heal yourself, friends and families in the nature of Jesus? A person does not have to become a professional healer. However, how wonderful it is when a person is working with the life giving energy that can help our planet and its people. The way that leads to holiness.

I also explained how in ancient times people lived with the spiritual community for two years prior to being taught anything; due to the requirement for trustfulness, integrity and honor. So that those people did not rush off prior to being ready to do so. So that true discipline and spiritual practice is in place to enable the integration of what was being taught. Life is a process of integration to gain the wisdom and insights from your life experiences, divine and otherwise.

How do the Christian orthodox respond? They carry on quoting text, after text defending their orthodoxy that keeps them in the same groove of where the Vatican chose for them to be, under their control. Even gun ownership was all part of the set-up of the people. That is why in Micah 4, in the timeline of daughter Zion, it mentions the weapons of the USA. Yet, for some reason they simply refuse to look at it; and accept what is written in black and white.

Why? It means that they have to do something about it; and they are reluctant to do so. Life in the USA, like other Western nations became very comfortable and now all of their comfort zones are being stripped away. Obadiah even mentions the pillage of their nation, that we warned them about before it happened.

I told them that I am at the end of my patience of a saint. As the Spirit of Jesus said in December 2008, 'The time is nigh'.


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