
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Shepherds Bush Fire Sign

At 8.36pm on the 22nd of April, 2013 I wrote the following:

'I had written about Pentecost on the 19th of May, 2013, and about 19.00 hours I could smell wood, like the smell of a forest or woods when you go there. When it smells fresh and alive'. It was like the fresh smell after rainfall. I then asked, 'Would you like to post your forest songs? Or write your 'Sonnets to God' about the forests. Our sentient trees, our dynamic eco-system of the planet that breathes what we breathe.

People responded that it could be to do with health and as we know the Aspirin comes from the bark of a tree. It is good for pain relief and it is also preventative to stop blood clotting. Many trees decided to help us all. At least the tree knows that it can be made to help humanity in a different way. However, we have to make sure that for every tree that is felled, we must replace them with another tree. We can also work towards our people living amongst the forests like we did in ancient times. The forests that give protection, shelter, life energy that is supportive, refreshed with the sweet dew everyday.'

I then shared how I was once given a beautiful meditation by Spirit for our group. We rode through the forests together to a special place that was hidden in the forests.

It also turned out to be 'Earth Day', although I was not aware of that when I received the smell of wood.

Then an orthodox Christian came to oppose me. As such, I responded with the facts of my testimony that was shared with the nations.

'You are the light of the world, the flame of love that purifies whatever stands in the way of complete oneness with God'. from Sacred Words 


Due to insomnia, I was still awake at 03.38am I looked at the news and discovered that there had been a fire at Shepherds Bush, West London. Shepherds Bush Central Line tube station was closed due to a 'track fire'. Apparently it happened during the rush hour.


So what is the relevance of the 'smell of the wood' and the 'bush'? The bush is to do with the Torah and the blessing requested by Moses for Joseph.

'With the best from the ancient mountains, and the bounty of the hills immemorial; with the bounty of earth and its fullness. And the favor of the presence of the Bush. May these rest on the head of Joseph'. Deuteronomy 33:15-16

'Blessed of the LORD be his land, with the bounty of dews from heaven'. 

In the biblical prophecies Joseph is the flame, that is why there is a flame on this blog. Shepherds Bush is also a well known area for musicians and there are trees there. Once upon a time, that whole area was  beautiful nature, and there is little left of the trees. There were also many Kings in England in 704. Its an interesting story if you are interested in the history of this nation. If you do your research you can learn about many different aspects that children do not learn in schools. 

Final note, I am very pleased that nobody was harmed by the fire. It could have been a lot more serious. 

However, it is still a very big sign for those that comprehend the signs. 

As I was writing that the LORD said 'Canine' so is he telling us that it was due to a dog that the fire started? A canine is also a tooth, and it is to do with wisdom and the will of God.  

As we know shepherds also had a wooden staff. So we have the wood that the shepherd carries in their hand, and wood to do with the bush. The prophecy also tells us that it is Joseph that has the favor of God. My name is written in the Torah, and I do have the birth certificate!  

I am the flame of Joseph, my ascendent is also a fire sign. 


1 comment:

  1. This is not the first fire at Shepherds Bush.

    Dairy Fire A40, 31 January 2012

    Man 'walking fireball', 28th December, 2012.
