
Monday 22 April 2013

PENTECOST 19th May, 2013

After I had written the last post 'Light of Dawn and its Children', the LORD said 'Pentecost' and that comes on the 19th of May, 2013. Numerically it is the 'Day of Persuasion'. 19 is the number of victory of the sun and as we know May is the 5th month and five is to do with physical manifestation.

1+9 = 10 = a new cycle of time.

In Jewish mysticism the number ten is also associated with the Sephirot, the emanations and their attributes thereof. [2]

Pentecost can be found in the legends of England, according to legend, King Arthur always gathered all his knights at the round table for a feast and a quest on Pentecost.

'So ever the king had a custom that at the feast of Pentecost in especial, afore other feasts in the year, he would not go that day to meat until he had heard or seen of a great marvel'.

In Judaism we find pass over and it is to do with the outpouring of the Spirit and giving of the law in different languages. No surprise then that what has been written by yours truly has been translated into different languages and spread around the world in recent decades.

Pentecost is the Greek and Latin name for the harvest festival. Festival of Weeks and 'Day of First Fruits'. Its amazing how so many artists knew the truth in their hearts and souls. They knew that the female paraclete would come just as Jesus Christ had told them in advance that they would for his true followers.

by Jean Restout - 1732

The bible also shares with us that the Angels are the harvesters in this timeline. The healing Angels of elohiym. In the parable of the net, how the angels will keep the good fish and throw away the rest. 

So what marvel does the LORD have in store for us on the 19th of May, 2013, it is sure to be something wonderful on the 'Day of Persuasion'. 

Biblically those that are led by the Spirit are not under the law introduced by man. Yet, members of the Church of England still obey it. Why? The book of Galatians 5:7 asks 'Who cut in on you, to keep you from obeying the truth? Since you died with Christ to the elemental spiritual forces of this world, why as though you still belong to the world do you submit to its rules? Colossians 2:20 As such, this blogspot as the numeric of 22 and there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. 

22 is also a Master number and the planet moved into Master 22 divine feminine energies on the 22nd of May, 2004. The year of the first transit of Venus across the sun, in addition there is 22 major arcane cards. 

The painting of the Pentecost by Jean Restout shows you the arrival of a woman. The wondrous woman from heaven that is blessed with the Spirit mentioned in Rev 12, that timeline was completed in December 2008. At that time Jesus said 'The Time is Nigh', 'Now we are moving into a higher gear'. After that the first blog came to be. [4]

The Harp of Faithfulness, and faithfulness resides in heaven. daughter Zion, Micah 4, the arrival of the first fruit from heaven. The light of the Spirit that descends upon them. Why are there not more people that are led by the Spirit descending upon the Church to help them to make a breakthrough, do you know why? Is their fruit ripe for the harvest? Do they know what the fruit contains? Do they know from which fruit tree they came from? 

After they went through the eye of the needle, did the Spirit lead them to comprehend the ancient texts?

How much that I have shared with you in recent years do you truly comprehend? Do you appreciate the fruition of its implications? Do you comprehend how you fit into the divine plan, and who you are?

Were you truly born again of the Spirit? Christians have been told that they are born again by baptism. Is that true? No. People have to be born again from the Spirit of God, as such, the Spirit is holy. Christians refer to themselves as Saints, as such they are being prepared for the slaughter. Prophet Isaiah predicted that the 'Covenant with death is annulled' and Jesus predicted that these days will be shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect.

How can you help your people and nation if you do not comprehend the prophecies about it? Are you willing for the Christians of your nation to be slaughtered? Like the Christians were in Southern Lebanon in the 70's?

Are the Christians saints as they have been told? No. First they have to become Angels of elohiym, then they become saints in the teachings of ancient mystical Judaism. Jesus was a healer of consciousness; and so are all of his true fold that are in his heavenly and holy heart. It is to the healers of consciousness that he gives the keys of the kingdom, and comprehension of the initiations on the rite of passage.

As Jesus said 'Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God'. However, Jesus was referring to his God, the heavenly Father. The heavenly Father and I are one, for I was born again in his Spirit of holiness, faithfulness, and righteousness. That is why the prophecies predicted that the 'Harp of Faithfulness' would come at night time. The last days of the end times.

That is why the prophecies predicted that the LORD would plant HER in Jezreel and the LORD would betroth his people to him in her with his righteousness and faithfulness that he bestowed upon her. The LORD did exactly that in May 2006 when she was planted in Northern Israel for the holy gathering with the Spiritual Israeli's.

On the 22nd May 2006, the spiritual Israeli's and yours truly gathered at the Sea of Galilee and it was blessed in harmonic epiphany. As such, the 19th May is also a reminder of that blessing that was bestowed upon Israel and the Galilee. In return the spiritual Israeli's blessed yours truly, and these gates of daughter Zion.

My reason for living is my divine purpose for being, what is yours?

ELIAKIM aka Lotus Feet 





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