
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Found Wandering

I was shown a verse in the NT last night, Hebrews 3:1 states that they acknowledged Jesus as an Apostle and High Priest. We know that he was also a prophet, because so many of his prophecies have come true. 

As such he was an Apostle, High Priest and Prophet, three in one. Surah 44 also speaks of the honorable Apostle that would come at night time and King David gave the revelation that the Lute of Lovingkindness came at day time. As we know night time is to do with the timeline of the last days of the end times. 

It is time to write about those that are found wandering, and Jesus speaks of them in the Didache. In the book of Exodus the Israelites were found wandering. Exodus 14:3 In the book of Hosea it mentions how Ephraim are wandering like wild donkeys. Hosea 8:9 As we know Ephraim is symbolic of the Christians. In the dream that I had of the wild donkey, I wasn't able to save it because the Crusaders were killing it. However, I was able to save the horses and told them to leave, to go. A horse is also symbolic of freedom, and this year the horses step on it. 2014 is also the year of the horse; and as we know 'faithful and true' is also a white horse in the book of Revelation. The White Horse can also be found in Jewish and Indian scriptures.

In the book of Matthew there is a parable called the 'Wandering Sheep', 'See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I tell you they're angels in heaven, they always see the face of my Father in heaven'. Matthew 18:10 The chapter then imparts that 'the heavenly Father will not let any of these perish'.

No surprise then that it was while I was in Australia that Jesus appeared before me for the very first time. Did Jesus come to get me because Sydney will perish? A man called Sid did pass over while I was living at Middle Harbor. A great sailor was he, but he was also a risk-taker, and he nearly crashed the boat with all of us on it against the rocks. Sydney is a city that is surrounded by water, and water goes through it, Manley on the Northern Beaches also has water on both sides of it. I did receive a warning for those that live in that area, and it was passed on to them at that time. After that many moved on, and one of the people that owned the healing centre went North towards the Hinterlands.

The Jewish encyclopedia state that the didache (that speaks about the wandering prophets) was adopted  from the synagogue by the early Christians. It includes the 'teaching of two ways', one that leads to life and the other that leads to death. It echos the teachings of the mystics in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the two different Spirits that are in man. One of the Spirits within gives them the truth, the other gives them the opposite.  It speaks of the 'struggle of man' and how the two different spirits struggle against each other. In my humble view it is not two different spirits but the soul and the Spirit. For the soul must be purified before it can merge with the Spirit.

Hence, in the book of Matthew when Jesus speaks of the sheep, he uses the symbology of children. As we know, if children wander off then they can run into danger, like crossing a road when a bus is coming. Children are also symbolic of the lamb that is a gentle and sensitive soul. Hence, he gave the parable of the sheep.

When people find the innocence of the child once more due to healing the 'inner child'. When they find the great love that they hold within including its great happiness, it can give them great confidence to do things that they have not done before. They can leap on a wing and a prayer without seriously considering its long term implications; due to their complete trust in God. However, in its perfection, one also learns a higher level of self-discipline, especially where finances are concerned.

I have seen many writings on the internet about the Didache. However, these important aspects of what Jesus said about the 'Wandering Prophets' deserve to be highlighted.

It is written that he told them to accept the teacher that increases righteousness and that they must be received as the Lord. 'Every Apostle that comes to you must be received as a Lord.'  The text holds a cryptic message; he was telling them that Joseph would come, the teacher of righteousness. The name Joseph means 'He will increase', 'add'.

Every genuine prophet is worthy of support. Every true (spiritual) teacher is entitled to support. The first fruits are given to the prophets, the high priests. [2]

He was telling them that when the teacher of righteousness came, they would be a prophet, an Apostle, and a Lord. That they are worthy of support, and entitled to it.

Prophet Hosea, 2:20  'I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD'. When they acknowledge the one that the LORD sent, they're also acknowledging the LORD that sent them.
The same applies to when the Lute of Lovingkindness was sent, as it does to the Harp of Faithfulness.

This painting came to be today, the brown colour reminds me of Francis of Assisi. His blessed humility and humble heart. The brown color of a Christian monk. I can see at least one Hebrew letter in this painting.

Jesus also spoke of the acknowledgement, and he said that whomever acknowledges him before others, he will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. Matthew 10:32. Francis of Assisi did acknowledge me when he came to deliver his message from the LORD. That took place during the Rev 12 timeline.

Jesus also acknowledged yours truly because he came to get me. However, that does not mean that the LORD acknowledges everyone that Jesus does; because they have to acknowledge the LORD in the same way that Jesus did. They have to walk the way of life, the way of holiness that is all about healing consciousness.

As the LORD said 'To HE that understands the promise, there is no secret'. Many orthodox Christians were not told about the promise and the blessing of the bush that was placed upon the head of Joseph.

Nor were they told that daughter Zion would come and that she is a real woman. If the Christian orthodox do not acknowledge the prophecies about her given by the Jewish prophets. How can they be acknowledging the heavenly Father?

The ancient texts include many spiritual realities, that most orthodox Christians do not comprehend. Why is that? The book of Daniel tells you the books were sealed until the last days of the end times. In addition, a person has to live the experience, that is why the book of Matthew predicted that the entrusted one, would be entrusted with much, and much would be asked of them.

It was also ordained in the prophecies that the LORD would send a person to take on the scholars and spiritual in this timeline. They were entrusted with much for divine purpose. For the old heaven and earth is passing away, and only that which is healthy for consciousness can remain.

It also predicted that one person would give testimony for Jesus; and that their testimony must be shared with the nations. That has taken place for many years.

So it was; I was brought back to the location where I lived after I married, to fulfill the divine plan. Gates of Daughter Zion, there rejoice in your salvation. Psalm 9:14




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