
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Bagram Plane Crash

The first time that I had the energetic water up the nose, the Bali Lion plane went down after it. I posted that I had received water up the nose again, [1] and now there is news that a plane has gone down in Bagram, Afghanistan with seven people on board. [2] Bagram used to be known as Kapisa [3] and it does have a link to Cyrus in ancient times. There is a Cyrus that frequents the internet. Did they accept wisdom's corrections for this is a sign for Cyrus. Now this news was uploaded on the 29th, so why does the video say the 1st of February, 2013? Its all over the MSM now, so are they getting their news from the internet? MSM say that the plane was on its way to Dubai, what was the US cargo plane doing going to Dubai? More gold leaving Afghanistan and being taken to Dubai? [5]

Five of the seven people on board (that includes four pilots) were from Michigan. As we know seven is the life number of the spiritual teacher and in Hebrew it is the value of the Zayin, that the Jewish sages refer to as the 'woman of valor'.

Also this morning I saw a lamp that had been put on the roadside at the side of a dustbin for the refuse collectors to take it away. Someone had thrown the lamp out. Why had they thrown the lamp out?  Why didn't they give it to the charity shop? Did Afghanistan also throw the lamp out and Jesus with it?  It seems a coincidence that the news of the plane crash and the lamp appeared on the same day.

This is a bust of Jesus that was found in the remains of an ancient Greco-Buddhist city in Afghanistan.

The 29th of April, (the date of the plane crash) is the 'Day of Image', as far as I remember it is also the day that I was married to Adam. It is a wedding anniversary, so a special day in the history of my life. Adam, the man that threw the lamp of light out of his life because he thought the grass was greener, and he did not wish to have any children.

Does the lamp appear in the Qu'ran like it does in the Christ teachings?

Surah 24 mentions a lamp. The Surah mentions the parable that contains the lamp contained in glass. It also mentions an 'Olive' that is neither from the East or the West. [4] As we know the Qu'ran comes from the Middle East, so the 'Olive' does not come from there as far as the text is concerned. Nor does it come from the West. The East is the direction of the teachers, and the West is the direction of the peacemakers.

So if the 'Olive comes from neither East or West, it must come from either the South or the North. As we know the South is the direction of the prophets and the North is the direction of Healers. In the bible it predicted that the olive tree would be beaten with many blows and only 3-4 olives would remain. No surprise then that Pope Benedict chose the olive as his symbol and he was certainly beaten with many blows. So is the Qu'ran correct in what it says in Surah 24? The olive is to do with the oil that is put into the lamps. Hence, another reason why Benedict chose it, because the oil is to do with the anointing.

However, some people are born with olive skin and in Europe, olive oil is most well known in Italy and Greece. The people of these nations both have olive skin as do other people who come from other countries in Southern Europe. So was the biblical prophecy predicting that there would only be 3-4 Christian nations of olive skinned people left?  As we know there are green olives and black olives.

Truly, I cannot reconcile Surah 24 with the biblical prophecies of the Jewish prophets, or the Christ teachings about the lamp. If you can then I am all ears. I can appreciate that there is light in the parables that Jesus imparted,  Jesus was not Allah, and nor is the heavenly Father. However, the heavenly Father does send his elohiym when the time is right to do so.

The largest olive skinned Christian nations that remain are Greece, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain and as we know they are all being beaten with many blows. There is only one of those countries that I have not visited and it is Portugal. Although I do have friends that moved there.

These days will be shortened for the sake of the spiritually elect.






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