
Friday 5 April 2024


The Daily Mail has reported on the new "red card" system introduced in the Wymondham Town Council. 

The Lib-Dem run council have been branded 'wet', 'snowflake councillors' that can't take the heat of debates due to the distress it is causing them. "The scheme was introduced after Tory councillor, Tony Holden stepped down with a 45 second resignation speech in which he told the other councillors at the Norfolk council that they had achieved nothing". 

The red card system means that any councillor can leave the room if they feel distressed or alarmed, they have been provided with a safe space to receive advice on grounding techniques, breathing exercises and have a drink of water. 

In response Tory Cllr Holden said "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen". "The council isn't fit for purpose. They're fragile and have lost their way. This is so unnecessary".

It's up to the people to vote out those that are not up for the job. Make sure you know who you are voting for, don't just vote for a party allegiance. Do some research on the candidates and choose the best man or woman for the job because it is often the case that people vote for the party candidate, rather than the individual that can do the job effectively in the best interests of the constituency. 

This is Wymondham in Norfolk. 

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