
Sunday 21 April 2024


This is the Traditional Britain Group dinner that was held in 2023. Robin Tilbrook is the after dinner speaker. Robin is an English solicitor, he specialises in civil litigation.  President of the Workers of England Union. The Chairman of the English Democrats, an English Nationalist, he's also the Vice-President of the Tradition Britain Group. 

Robin Tilbrook stood against mask wearing and lockdowns etc. During his speech he shares a landmark civil case win, against an Asian 'grooming gang rapist', he won the case for a 14 year old girl in Rotherham, £406,000 compensation for her. He is also representing other young women too. A cause that is very close to my heart. 

Robin Tilbrook is standing as a candidate for the position of Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex. This is the 2nd time he has stood has a candidate. He received 43,000 votes last time. 


A man who is definitely worthy of our vote.  

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