
Monday 15 April 2024


My Bush washing machine lasted 9 years prior to arriving at the point of requiring a replacement, although now I wish I had it refurbished instead of buying a new machine. 

The new machine that I purchased was a Hotpoint, Curry's said that it was easy to use and economical to run. I bought it on the 5th and had it returned on the 9th of April. 

The first small wash for the machine test ran all night long and was still running when I woke up in the morning. At 1pm the next day after I managed to get it open, the clothes were still sopping wet. So I tried a drain and spin, the machine didn't stop until 7pm that evening, the clothes were still wet and it had an error message h20 on the machine. So turned it off at the mains and went to the store to complain about the washing machine. 

What's up with all of these machines? New technology, far too much technology, far too many programmes that aren't necessary to implement a task as simple has washing clothes. Why change machinery if it is working perfectly well? 

All the manufacturers are the same, too much technology. Not only that but they've changed the whole system, no longer do you have a hot water pipe with water coming from the boiler. Washes can take 3-4 hours, when most people require a quick wash. How on earth can washing clothes for 3-4 hours be economical? It still requires electricity to run the machine. 

So I now have to find a machine that I can operate effectively. 

Which have carried out reviews on all of the major brands if you would like to review them on how much they cost to run per year.

The Research Institute for Disabled Consumers have recommended three different machines for ease of use.

Whoever carried out the industrial design of all the new machines, clearly didn't take into account that elderly people and the disabled would have to be able to use these machines. 

Everyone that I've spoken too locally have said that they don't use any of the vast amount of programmes that take hours, they all said that they only use the 30 and 40 minute washes. 

When and where was the consultation with the general public about changing the system of washing machines to suit the green agenda? The green deal that the EU is now saying it can't afford?

The ECHR have now made climate a Human Right, what about our Human Rights, what about the human rights of the disabled and elderly?  Climate and the green deal agenda is not a human right! 

Let's say NO TO NET ZERO!

The Tory minister for energy and Net Zero has resigned, not surprising hey! 

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