
Monday 15 April 2024


I received a dream this morning, in the dream I'd found my keys and I was so pleased that I had found them because for the last year I have been using the spare set of keys. I know the original keys are in-doors somewhere because I used them to come in doors and then couldn't find them. 

In dream interpretation, if you find some keys it signifies a happy solution to any pressing problems that you might have. Does it remind you of Matthew 16:19, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, whatever you bind on earth, will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven". The word translated as "loosed" is from a primary verb to 'loosen". 

Has my gran Sophia used to say, "Where there is a will, there is a way" and it was years ago, Jesus gave this message to deliver.  "Healing is the path of salvation and love is the way". 

After the dream I received a phone call from a man that sells refurbished and second hand washing machines, he sent me pics of a Bosche that looks brand new, although it is an older model. Previously, I purchased from the same shop in 1979, we bought our first second hand cooker from him.  One can purchase some great secondhand kitchen appliances from people that refurbish and resell. 

It is one way that people can save money.  Another one of gran's sayings, "Waste not, want not", Sophia was prudent. 

What else is happening in the kitchen today? A man is coming to clean the main oven, he says it will take him an hour. 

Love to you all reading this. 

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