
Monday 1 April 2024


It was during the referendum protests that I discovered that there were foreign NGO's working in the UK to undermine the British people, our democracy and our voting intentions. Foreign nationals were working in London, for a foreign NGO with an office in London. 

Now there is another one that is working in many different countries and they appear to have UN backing. 

At least one of the people arrested at the boat race, a man that tied himself to the bridge, had a north American accent and he was shouting out to join his organisation, called Youth Demand. Sounds like another Soros backing NGO!. There is a picture of him and video of him being arrested on this link.

If you go to their website, it claims that they will be in London from 7th - 11th April. On their front page it asks "Are you willing to take action in April?". Then it says, "Yes, and I'm willing to risk arrest".

On the bottom of their website page they have the American Action Network logo. If you go to the American Action Network website, American activists are photographed with Biden. BLM is also listed. It also says that it is American Action Network's 10th Birthday. The Executive Director is Brian Young. 

All foreign NGO's, must be banned in the UK. Foreigners don't pay for our police force, we do!


I've received some information this evening, that there is a new National Security Act which received Royal Assent last July. It has a section in Foreign Influence Register System (FIRS). 

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