
Tuesday 2 April 2024


I had a dream of dog poop this morning, it was on a training pad. In some cultures people believed that stepping in it was lucky. My dad used to say it was lucky if I ever stood in it has a child. In some lore it indicated that unexpected wealth was heading your way. There was a time when dog poop was considered to be manure.

In dream interpretation, "all sources pretty well agree that excrement (whether human or animal) in a dream represents money, wealth, profits, or tangible value and is a lucky omen pertaining to material gain". 

Then whilst at the dog park this morning, he rolled in some, now I have to do a dry wash with him. He always makes work for me. I love the way he looks at me, he's so funny. That's the look he gives to yours truly if I ask him whether we should get another puppy. He's an adorable three year old now. 

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